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June 20, 2024 • Uganda Week 2 - Night 1
Intense Spiritual Warfare
The spiritual warfare is real here in Uganda. Earlier today, some of the Bootcamp students found themselves in a terrible situation. They were trapped and detained by some radical religious fanatics for trying to preach the Gospel. It was a potentially dangerous moment that put our whole team on edge. The crusade director here in Kampala told me that, as this was going on, he received two phone calls at the exact same moment. The first call was to tell him about that situation where our students were in danger. The other call was telling him that witch doctors were on our crusade field pronouncing curses on our team!
June 16, 2024 • Uganda Week 1 - Night 5
Her House Full of Flies
Tonight was the final night of the first week of our campaign here in East Africa where 15 crusades are being conducted in Uganda alone! This week we have been busy with the first three crusades, and we will conduct four more in the second week.
June 15, 2024 • Uganda Week 1 - Night 4
Wave of Revival!
Tonight, I preached in the city of Lira, Uganda. It’s hard to express the joy I feel in my heart as each night I pull up to a new field where a crusade is ongoing, and I’m greeted by the dozens of CfaN team members serving there, many of whom I have not seen for months. Technicians, organizers, preachers – most of them CfaN Bootcamp Graduates, all carry the same heart for the lost and the same DNA of crusade evangelism. There are now five generations of these grads, several of whom have literally spent years on the field since graduating! I think they are the best and most experienced crusade team in the world at this point and they all feel like family to me. What a joy!
June 15, 2024 • Uganda Week 1 - Night 3
Delivered from Demons
This morning as I was leaving the city of Hoima, we drove past the crusade field where I preached last night. It was early in the morning and the field was empty, except for a large group of intercessors who were gathered there on the field, crying out to God and praying for the meetings (which will continue there through Sunday night). I saw those same intercessors on that field when we arrived in Hoima yesterday as well.
June 14, 2024 • Uganda Week 1 - Night 2
Smashing Strongholds
I’ve just returned from the crusade field here in Hoima, Uganda (where I preached the Gospel tonight). Hoima is the capital city of Bunyoro Region, West Uganda. This place is known for witchcraft and deep occult darkness. Just one hour away in Kagadi, there is a famous cult lead by a man who claims to be God. He says that he was teleported to every country revealing himself to people of all nations. It’s all utter foolishness, of course, but this cult has gained quite a following in this region.
June 12, 2024 • Uganda Week 1 - Night 1
Crusades in Three Cities Tonight!
Tonight is the first night of crusades here in Uganda. Over the next few weeks, we will conduct FIFTEEN Gospel Crusades throughout this nation. In addition, we have already trained hundreds of local evangelists and we have been working with them for the last couple months. Also, Bootcamp graduates and students are on the ground here preaching the Gospel all over the nation! Literally millions of people will have heard the gospel in Uganda by the time we are finished! IT’S HARVEST TIME!
March 6, 2024 • Aba Week 2 – Night 4
The Crowd Grew 800%!
Tonight was the final night of our mass crusades in Umuahia and Aba South, and we finished on a high note. At our Aba South Crusade, the already large crowd grew tonight by at least 800%! The field was packed and we almost ran out of space, even though everyone was standing!
March 4, 2024 • Aba Week 2 – Night 3
Her baby started moving
Today we were invited to have lunch at the governor’s house. Our entire team went – including technicians, engineers and the local chairmen of the crusades. I was able to pray for, and prophesy to, the governor and his team in an almost official capacity. I felt like an ambassador sent by the King of Kings with a special message to deliver.
March 3, 2024 • Aba Week 2 – Night 2
Power stations activated!
Tonight, the governor attended one of our crusades (where I was preaching at “Aba South”). He addressed the people, and we learned many interesting details about the significance of our visit.
March 2, 2024 • Aba Week 2 – Night 1
Eyes healed after 20 years
Tonight was the first night of our second week here in Nigeria. If you’ve been following my reports, you know that last week we conducted two full Gospel crusades here in Abia State in Nigeria. This week TWO MORE crusades are taking place in two different locations in the same state. Once again, Bootcamp Graduate Evangelists are working with me, shoulder to shoulder. What a joy!