Fruit That Remains
Dear Mission Partners,
Tonight was unforgettable in so many ways. During the testimony time, a woman stepped forward, and I immediately recognized her face. Then she spoke: “I am the one who was healed 14 years ago…” Suddenly, the memory came flooding back, and believe it or not, I even remembered her name!
When we came to Karu in 2010, Placida had been crippled for seven years, enduring multiple surgeries. After her fifth surgery, she was left paralyzed due to spinal cord damage. But during the prayer for the sick, the power of God touched her. She threw down her crutches and walked perfectly!
I’ll never forget that moment back in 2010. While she was sharing her testimony on stage, her sister burst through the crowd and ran to embrace her, and together they wept tears of joy. If you’d like to witness that powerful moment from 14 years ago, you can watch it
Tonight, that same woman stood before me once more, her sister beside her. She remains completely healed and has never suffered from that affliction again. Hallelujah!
This was the fourth night of our 46th crusade here in Abuja. After preaching the gospel, I prayed for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It began with a sacred stillness, then rose to a powerful crescendo as the Holy Spirit filled thousands.
We then prayed for healing, and the field became a place of extraordinary miracles:
Esther was deaf in her right ear, but last night she received her healing! I tested her by having her cover her left ear and then walked a short distance to speak to her. Even with all the noise and commotion around us, she could hear me perfectly!
Becky joined the campaign on Wednesday. She had been barren and had a mass on her breast, for which she had previously visited the hospital. A few nights ago, when I invited everyone to place their hand on the area of sickness, Becky did so in faith. The next morning, she discovered the mass was completely gone! Hallelujah!
Stella came to the campaign with her uncle. Two years ago, a terrible accident left her with broken legs, forcing her to use crutches. Despite multiple surgeries, the pain had never left. But tonight, Jesus healed her! Stella walked before the crowd, showing her healing as I tossed her crutches aside. All glory to God!
These and many other testimonies brought glory to the name of Jesus tonight and there is great joy in the city.
We have one more night here tomorrow. Please continue to pray for a mighty harvest.
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest?
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Healing for Kindness
Dear Mission Partners,
Tonight, I turned to see a young girl, tears streaming down her cheeks and dripping to the ground. She was so overcome with emotion I couldn’t tell if her tears were from joy or sorrow. Gently, I asked her why she was crying, and she explained that for the past four years, she hadn’t been able to walk and had endured constant pain in both legs. But tonight, Jesus healed her! She could walk without assistance – all her pain was gone. Her mother, standing beside her, confirmed it was all true. The girl, whose name was Kindness, began to jump and stomp her feet, sobbing and praising the name of Jesus. It was a moment I will never forget.
This is the third night of our 46th Gospel Crusade of the year here in Abuja, Nigeria. When I asked how many were attending for the first time, the response was astonishing – easily 70% or more of the vast crowd, stretching to the horizon (just take a look at the pictures). The number of people who will hear the gospel this week is truly staggering.
Tonight, I preached on the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. Tens of thousands responded to the gospel, and we witnessed a flood of healings, deliverances, and miracles – a powerful, living demonstration of the very message we proclaimed.
Mary, who had suffered from constant pain and had recently woken up unable to move her left leg, was miraculously healed. After prayer, she walked normally for the first time! With tears streaming down her face, she lifted her walker and came forward to testify. Her sister confirmed the miracle, affirming it was all true. Mary walked before the crowd, proving once again that Jesus is the healer!
Comfort, paralyzed in her right arm for six months, was also completely healed tonight. She lifted and moved her arm with ease—a stunning display of God’s power at work!

Kande arrived at the campaign with her daughter, having suffered from severe rheumatism for 20 years that left her walking hunched over. But tonight, after the prayer, her daughter saw her standing upright for the first time in years, and now she can walk normally!
Papa Clement had been enduring a painful ulcer on his back and severe body pain for 20 years. When he heard I was coming to Nigeria, he immediately planned to attend, praying earnestly for healing. The moment he stepped onto the campaign field, the Lord healed him completely!
Tomorrow, we’ll pray for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Please join us in praying for a massive outpouring that will transform Abuja forever.
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest?
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A Move of God!
Dear Mission Partners,
I have just returned from the field here in Abuja, Nigeria, and it felt as if the entire city was present – people stretched as far as the eye could see. What an incredible joy it was to preach to these people.
Their faith draws on the power of God, putting a demand on it, and heaven responded in magnificent ways. Tens of thousands surrendered to Jesus and miracles began flowing like a river. Even before I had prayed for the sick, a line had formed with people eager to testify.
One mother brought her teenage son and shared a heartwarming story. Fifteen years ago, during my last visit to Abuja, she had been barren and praying for a child. After receiving prayer, she conceived and gave birth to a boy she named Kolenda. Tonight, she stood on stage with her son, a living testimony to God’s faithfulness.
Helen, who had been paralyzed in her leg for a year and unable to lift her arm for six months, was healed tonight by Jesus. Now, she can walk and raise her arm completely pain-free!
Monica suffered from pain from her waist to her toes for over 15 years. Tonight, as the power of God moved, she fell under the anointing and was miraculously healed. Now, she’s jumping pain-free!
Dorathy shared a remarkable story – she had a dream about attending a program like this where she would be healed. She had a painful growth on her back and even brought a photo as proof. But tonight, as she bent over, the pain vanished, and the tumor disappeared – she can no longer feel it! Jesus has healed her!
Once again, there were too many testimonies to hear. This is truly a move of God!
Yours in Christ,
Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest?
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Jesus is Alive!
Dear Mission Partners,
Tonight marked the opening of our 46th Gospel Crusade this year, held in Abuja – the capital of Nigeria. The crowd was massive, and the energy in the air was electrifying. The field surged like a living, breathing organism, filled with people whose faith and hunger for God were palpable. With great confidence, I assured them that the miracles God will work this week will echo through generations, with their children and grandchildren still speaking of His wonders here.

After I preached the gospel and prayed for the sick, a young woman named Balkisu came forward to share her testimony. A Muslim from a nearby town, she had suffered from stomach ulcers for ten years. Hearing about the miracles happening here, she came to see for herself. She testified that as I prayed, she felt something leave her body, and the pain that had plagued her for a decade vanished in an instant. I asked her if she knew the name of the one who had healed her, and she answered, “God.” I turned to the crowd and invited them to shout the name of the Healer – and with a sound like thunder, the crowd roared, “JESUS!” Bulkisu surrendered her life to Jesus tonight – along with tens of thousands of others – the greatest miracle of all!
The line of testimonies seemed endless, each one revealing another wonderful miracle.
Unwana, who had endured multiple painful breast tumors for 15 years, reported that after the prayer, every tumor disappeared. Her husband stood beside her, confirming her testimony.
Juliana, who described hearing a constant, generator-like noise in her ears for two years, shared that tonight, for the first time, the noise stopped completely.
Blessing had a chest infection and struggled to breathe. She had taken many medications to feel better, but tonight, after the prayer, all the pain disappeared.
These and many other amazing testimonies are a powerful witness that Jesus is alive and moving here in Abuja.
Please keep us and our team, scattered around the world and working tirelessly to bring in the harvest, in your prayers.
Yours in Christ,
Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest?
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