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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


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July 8, 2024 • Uganda Week 4


Uganda is undergoing a significant transformation as a powerful wave of revival sweeps across the nation. Our current series of FIFTEEN mass crusades, including five that have just concluded and two more scheduled for this week, is making a HUGE impact on the nation.

July 7, 2024 • Uganda Week 3


The latest Uganda Crusade took place in the Lubaga District of Kampala. This area was strategically located between a mosque and a witch doctor’s shrine, and it was once considered the most wicked and darkest place in Kampala. This Crusade represents a significant victory for the Kingdom of God! Hallelujah!

June 25, 2024 • Uganda Week 2 -- Night 5

400% Church Growth!

Tonight, we concluded the second week of crusades here in Uganda, wrapping up the first seven of fifteen planned events. The response has been phenomenal. Already hundreds of thousands have come to Christ and the count is still rising!

June 25, 2024 • Uganda Week 2 -- Night 4

Witch doctors, demoniacs and madmen!

If you read my report from last night, you know that as a team, in all four cities, we preached about the blood of Jesus last night and went after witchcraft and idolatry, which are strongholds in these cities. The response has been overwhelming. Many attendees have surrendered items linked to the occult—fetishes, charms, amulets, idols, and books—for destruction. We've witnessed numerous individuals freed from demonic possession and oppression. This trend continued today.

June 22, 2024 • Uganda Week 2 -- Night 3

Enough is enough

Tonight, I had the privilege of preaching in the city of Gulu, Uganda. Jim Leamon is one of the evangelists carrying this crusade (Jim and Kathy are a husband-and-wife team stationed here. Both graduated from the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp). He wrote:

"Tonight, Evangelist Kolenda returned to the city of Gulu, Uganda to the exact same field he was on in 2012. This is the third night of the crusade where the crowd has grown exponentially each night. And tonight was no exception. The people began gathering hours beforehand to hear the message he would deliver. Evangelist Kolenda rewarded them with a clear gospel message on the blood of Jesus and thousands responded to the salvation call."

June 21, 2024 • Uganda Week 2 - Night 2

Miracles in droves

Today I traveled to the city of Iganga, one of four cities where CfaN crusades are ongoing this week in Uganda. Evangelist Gary Smith described the scene beautifully. 

"As we were pulling up to the field, you could feel the charge in the atmosphere! Some people of Iganga walked for more than 4 miles to the crusade field. As the sun was setting, a wind suddenly began to bring much cooler air and even lightning in the distance. Despite the sudden change in the weather, there was also a sudden change in people's lives as Evangelist Kolenda began to pray for salvation! Thousands of people lifted their voices in unison, repenting and asking Jesus to be Lord of their lives. This indescribable sound of people crying out to the Lord never gets old. In fact, it hits you in the heart, full of compassion, love, and awe of the goodness and mercy of God. While the people cried out to the Lord, it began to rain, but nobody was leaving. It was a beautiful symbol of new birth in the Spirit."

June 20, 2024 • Uganda Week 2 - Night 1

Intense Spiritual Warfare

The spiritual warfare is real here in Uganda. Earlier today, some of the Bootcamp students found themselves in a terrible situation. They were trapped and detained by some radical religious fanatics for trying to preach the Gospel. It was a potentially dangerous moment that put our whole team on edge. The crusade director here in Kampala told me that, as this was going on, he received two phone calls at the exact same moment. The first call was to tell him about that situation where our students were in danger. The other call was telling him that witch doctors were on our crusade field pronouncing curses on our team!

June 12, 2024 • Uganda Week 1 - Night 1

Crusades in Three Cities Tonight!

Tonight is the first night of crusades here in Uganda. Over the next few weeks, we will conduct FIFTEEN Gospel Crusades throughout this nation. In addition, we have already trained hundreds of local evangelists and we have been working with them for the last couple months. Also, Bootcamp graduates and students are on the ground here preaching the Gospel all over the nation! Literally millions of people will have heard the gospel in Uganda by the time we are finished! IT’S HARVEST TIME!

March 6, 2024 • Aba Week 2 – Night 4

The Crowd Grew 800%!

Tonight was the final night of our mass crusades in Umuahia and Aba South, and we finished on a high note. At our Aba South Crusade, the already large crowd grew tonight by at least 800%! The field was packed and we almost ran out of space, even though everyone was standing!

March 4, 2024 • Aba Week 2 – Night 3

Her baby started moving

Today we were invited to have lunch at the governor’s house. Our entire team went – including technicians, engineers and the local chairmen of the crusades. I was able to pray for, and prophesy to, the governor and his team in an almost official capacity. I felt like an ambassador sent by the King of Kings with a special message to deliver.