Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


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June 28, 2021 • Mission Report - Tunduma - Michael Job

Mission Report - Tunduma - Michael Job

As we start a new week, I can't think of a better message than one about the power of God to save, deliver, and heal!

Don't miss the incredible report below from Evangelist Michael Job, who preached on day 3 and day 5 in Tunduma, Tanzania (I preached there my first night!) …

June 25, 2021 • Mission Report - Mbeya - Gary Smith

Mission Report - Mbeya - Gary Smith

Here we have Evangelist Gary Smith’s reports from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Crusade in Mbeya, Tanzania.

June 24, 2021 • Mission Report - Dodoma - Paul Maurer

Mission Report - Dodoma - Paul Maurer

Reading crusade reports from all the evangelists who preached in Operation Decapolis is like watching the Gospels being written right in front of us! What I’ve been sharing with you from each Decapolis crusade is just a tiny portion of what we’ve seen with our own eyes.

June 23, 2021 • Mission Report - Morogoro - Jared Horton

Mission Report - Morogoro - Jared Horton

Evangelist Jared Horton reports from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Crusade in Iringa, Tanzania.

“On the first night, I preached a very simple Gospel message and thousands raised their hands in response, deciding there and then to follow Jesus. Next, I prayed for the sick and rebuked every demon of sickness and disease...

June 22, 2021 • Mission Report - Iringa - Daniel King

Mission Report - Iringa - Daniel King

We’re back home, but every time I get another report from one of the CfaN evangelists who preached during Operation Decapolis, I feel like we’re still there! With every story that pours in, the scope of what happened there becomes more apparent, and I’m excited to share some more of that joy with you. As you know, I preached one night in each of the 5 cities. Iringa was the second town I preached in, and today we’re hearing from Evangelist Dr. Daniel King, who preached there on day 1 and day 5.

June 21, 2021 • Mission Report - Tunduma - David Rotärmel

Mission Report - Tunduma - David Rotärmel

I am still in awe of what happened in Tanzania during Operation Decapolis! To think we were able to pull off five simultaneous Gospel Crusades in five cities so successfully is truly a testimony of God’s hand at work!

There were so many incredible reports from Tanzania, I couldn’t possibly send them all to you during the crusades! Operation Decapolis may be over, but there is still so much to share, so I’ll be highlighting each of our CfaN evangelists who preached during Operation Decapolis. This first highlight comes from Evangelist David Rotärmel, a 2020 CfaN Bootcamp Graduate, who preached on the second day and fourth day in Tunduma (I preached there my first night).

June 17, 2021 • Final Recap

Fun Facts from Operation Decapolis!

Now that our most recent Operation Decapolis Campaign has come to an end, I wanted to share some astonishing facts with you from what took place. My assistant, Rob Enge, sent this to me, and I thought it was interesting enough to share with you.

June 16, 2021 • Day 5

Holy Ghost Party! - Mbeya, Tanzania - Final Day

We have just concluded the final night of all five simultaneous crusades here in Tanzania. I preached last Sunday in the city of Mbeya. The crowd more than tripled from the previous night. There was an electricity in the air, and it seemed that the whole city came to hear and see what Jesus is doing!

June 12, 2021 • Day 4

Demons Manifesting - Dodoma, Tanzania - Day 4

This morning we flew from the city of Morogoro (where I preached last night) to Dodoma (where I preached tonight) for the fourth night of our Operation Decapolis Campaign, where 5 crusades are taking place in 5 cities simultaneously!

June 11, 2021 • Day 3

Massive Harvest - Morogoro, Tanzania - Day 3

Tonight, I preached in Morogoro, Tanzania, the 3rd of the five cities I will visit this week. It's amazing to arrive in city after city where full crusade fields are waiting and where the harvest is ongoing. What amazing days of harvest we are living in!