Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


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April 19, 2016 • About

Mwanza, Tanzania

Tanzania, officially the "United Republic of Tanzania," is situated just south of the Equator, within the African Great Lakes region and formed as a sovereign state in 1964, through the union of the theretofore separate states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Since 1974, the designated official capital of Dodoma, is centrally located on the mainland. The largest city, port, and former capital, Dar es Salaam, remains the seat of most government administration.

April 15, 2016 • Full Report

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

CfaN’s Fire Conference with Gospel Campaign, called “From Minus to Plus,” was held April 15-16 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. These meetings formed a powerful, historic event for our beloved city and nation.

Local Christians saturated the area to prepare for the meetings. Churches kept a prayer and fasting chain for some weeks leading up to the meeting. Believers invited family members and neighbors while distributing 60,000 evangelistic DVDs. And over 45 billboards invited the public to the Gospel meetings.

January 31, 2016 • Day 4 - Final Day

360 Degrees of Miracles! - Bouaké, Ivory Coast - Final Day

No description would be adequate to convey the extent of what just happened a few minutes ago. First of all, the field was packed tonight with more than 210,000 people! That’s a third of the population of the whole city. When I asked how many were attending for the first time, it was the majority of the crowd. That means that literally most of the city heard the Gospel this week (with combined attendance)! Pastors told us that their churches were packed to overflowing this morning – so much so, they thought they would have to turn people away.

January 30, 2016 • Day 3

A Mighty Outpouring! - Bouaké, Ivory Coast

This morning our Fire Conference came to a conclusion as Peter Vandenberg and I ministered to about 10,000 delegates – pastors and leaders from the region. We prayed, as usual, for them to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was glorious! I believe a spark of revival has been lit here in Bouaké, Ivory Coast, that will continue with the local Body of Christ long after we’ve gone.

January 29, 2016 • Day 2

An Overwhelming Response - Ivory Coast

It was another huge day here in Bouaké, Ivory Coast. The crowd more than doubled tonight. I preached about the power in the blood of Jesus, and the response was overwhelming. So many people gave their lives to the Lord!

January 28, 2016 • Day 1

Heaven is Rejoicing! - Ivory Coast

The first night of our Gospel campaign here in Boauké, Ivory Coast has just ended minutes ago. I am so amazed by the level of hunger and expectancy in this small place. As I preached, there was an overwhelming response from the people who were hanging on every word.

January 27, 2016 • Arrival

Arrival in Ivory Coast!

Watch this video of Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Peter van den Berg, who, along with other members of the CfaN Team, recently arrived in Boauké , Ivory Coast. This is the first time CfaN has been back to the Ivory Coast since 1991, where the average age is only 18 years old!

January 20, 2016 • About

Bouaké, Ivory Coast

Bouaké is an important economic center in the heart of Côte d'Ivoire. It is located in the Vallée du Bandama region and has always drawn many different ethnic groups.

December 18, 2015 • Final Results

381,610 Registered Decision Cards - Tema, Ghana

We’ve just received word from our team on the ground in Ghana where our most recent Gospel Crusade took place in the cities of Tema and Ashaiman. The decision cards have all been counted and I am thrilled to report that 381,610 people responded to the Gospel receiving Jesus Christ as Savior over the four days of meetings with over 710,000 attending. Praise the Lord! They have now been entered into the follow up system where local churches are actively working to disciple them. Thank you for your prayers and gifts that made this possible!

December 7, 2015 • Day 4

A Redemption Miracle

I’m coming to you on the last night of the final meeting of our Gospel Campaign here in Tema - Ashaiman, Ghana where over 300,000 people flooded the field - a reclaimed garbage dump. There could not have been a more appropriate site for the redemption miracle that took place this week. Many thousands of people were saved, healed, delivered and baptized into the Holy Spirit.