Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


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November 23, 2015 • About

Tema, Ghana

Ghana has a tropical climate with no distinct seasons, but a change between dry and rainy seasons.

November 8, 2015 • Day 4

Tears of Joy - Blantyre, Malawi

As always, I preached a simple but clear Gospel message tonight. I urged the people to put their faith in Jesus and many thousands responded.

November 7, 2015 • Day 3

Tumors Vanish! - Blantyre, Malawi

For the second night in a row the attendance has nearly doubled. There is great excitement in throughout the city and everyone is talking about what Jesus is doing. I am sure your prayers have reached heaven and there is no stopping us now!

November 6, 2015 • Day 2

The Crowd Doubled! - Blantyre, Malawi

Tonight, the crowd doubled in size. Word has gone out that Jesus is doing wonderful things.

November 5, 2015 • Day 1

Day 1 - She Felt Ice Going Through Her Body - Blantyre, Malawi

I have just returned from the field on the first night of our Gospel Crusade here in Blantyre, Malawi. The crowd was not huge…certainly not what we experienced in Zambia a couple weeks ago, but the presence of God touched the meeting in a powerful way. I am sure that the word will spread like wildfire through the region.

After preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick we heard wonderful testimonies.

November 4, 2015 • Arrival

Arrival - Please Pray - Blantyre, Malawi

I've just arrived in Blantyre, Malawi after many hours of travel. I'm ready for a powerful Gospel crusade that starts tomorrow. Please remember to pray for us this week.

October 16, 2015 • Live Before You Die - Study Series

Enemy #5 The Witchcraft of Rebellion Part 1 Introduction

God is all knowing and all wise. He knows the future. He knows the past. He can see what is ahead in your life and in the lives of everyone around you. He knows what is going to happen in the economy, in politics, and on the world stage. When He speaks, He is giving you insider information for your advantage, and your obedience is the most profitable thing you could do for yourself.

October 2, 2015 • Live Before You Die - Study Series

The Call Vs. The Commission

Obedience to the call of God is about following Jesus. If you have heard the call of Jesus and you think you need to be on the next plane to the mission field, then you probably misunderstood what He said when He called you. He probably didn’t say, “Go and do.” He most likely said, “Come and follow.” Don’t worry about the commission. It will come as you follow Jesus.

September 15, 2015 • Final Results

384,110 Registered Decision Cards! - Lusaka, Zambia

We have just received word back from Lusaka, Zambia, where our latest gospel crusade was held. 384,110 decision cards were completed and returned over the four days of meetings! The local churches are now hard at work following up on the new converts and we trust the Lord for “fruit that remains.” Please join us in praying for those who made a decision – that they will become faithful and fruitful followers of Jesus.

September 8, 2015 • About

Blantyre, Malawi

Blantyre, the second largest city in Blantyre District is Malawi's centre of finance and commerce, as well as the capital of the country's Southern Region.