Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


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December 6, 2018 • Day 1

44-Years of Gospel Impact!

Today marks the 44th year anniversary of the founding of CfaN. December 6th, 1974 Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and his wife started this amazing journey that has resulted in more than 78-million people coming to Christ in some of the largest evangelistic events in history. And what better way to celebrate than with a Gospel Crusade. Tonight was the kick-off of our campaign here in Owerri, Nigeria – the final crusade of 2018. I’m here, as always, with Peter Vandenberg and joined once again by Eddie James who is leading us in worship.

December 6, 2018 • Livestream

Livestream Cancelled

Due to difficult weather conditions in Owerri, Nigeria, we regrettably have to cancel today's livestream. Here is a video recorded by Peter Vandenberg (Vice President of Christ for all Nations) about the situation. Thank you for your patience and prayers!

December 6, 2018 • Arrival

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda arrives in Owerri, Nigeria!

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda arrives in Owerri, Nigeria!

November 27, 2018 • #GivingTuesday

Make an eternal impact on #GivingTuesday!

You may be aware that today is #GivingTuesday, a day set aside to give towards a cause you believe in. We have participated in #GivingTuesday in recent years, but it just so happens that this important day for charities around the world came during a window of time when we are continuing our efforts to complete the funding for our Owerri crusade, which is only days away (starting on December 6th). Watch a short message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda!

November 14, 2018 • About

Owerri, Nigeria

This is our final crusade of 2018 and we could really use your help to finish covering the cost of this vital outreach. Your help right now would be an answer to prayer!

November 11, 2018 • Day 3 - 4

The Crowd was Alarming

The last two days of our Gospel Crusade in Port Harcourt, Nigeria were a little taste of heaven on earth! The massive crowd was heaving during praise and worship. Locals told us that they had never seen such a crowd in Port Harcourt before. The governor, his wife and several top officials sat on the platform each night. I preached the gospel with all my might, but beyond that the Lord confirmed His Word over and over with mighty signs and wonders.

November 9, 2018 • Livestream


Join us for the Livestream in Port Harcourt, Nigeria!
Livestream is currently scheduled to begin at 12:30 PM ET, November 9-10. TIME IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

November 9, 2018 • Day 2

Tears of Joy!

It’s been an absolutely amazing day today here in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. This morning Peter Vandenberg and John Darku ministered to the pastors and church leaders in the second day of the Fire Conference. The people were so blessed and encouraged. Tonight the crowd nearly doubled in size from last night and it felt like we were in the glory of God from start to finish.

November 8, 2018 • Arrival

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda arrives in Port Harcourt, Nigeria!

I have just arrived at my hotel room here in Port Harcourt, Nigeria where our next Gospel Crusade begins tomorrow night! As part of our “Decade of Double Harvest” initiative, we have already had nearly six weeks of non-stop evangelism taking place leading up to this event. I trained six teams of evangelists for this purpose. We gave them evangelism trucks that our team custom built for the punishing terrain and designed to facilitate mobile mini-crusades anywhere they can drive.

November 8, 2018 • Day 1

Salvation at the Governor's Mansion!

This morning I had the privilege of visiting the Governor of River State (where we are currently) together with Peter Vandenberg. The chamber was filled with state officials and leaders. I preached a clear Gospel message, invited them to receive Christ and several responded!