For over 50 years, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda have been conducting crusades world-wide. Here, you can read detailed accounts of each CfaN crusade! You will see people coming to Christ by the millions! You can experience first-hand reports and testimonies from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations Crusade Team! Witness what the Lord is doing around the world, and be encouraged to believe Him for the miracle you need in your life today!
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Full Report
CfaN’s Fire Conference with Gospel Campaign, called “From Minus to Plus,” was held April 15-16 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. These meetings formed a powerful, historic event for our beloved city and nation. Local Christians saturated the area to prepare for the meetings. Churches kept a prayer and fasting chain for some weeks leading up to the meeting. Believers invited family members and neighbors while distributing 60,000 evangelistic DVDs. And over 45 billboards invited the public to the Gospel meetings.
360 Degrees of Miracles! - Bouaké, Ivory Coast - Final Day
Day 4 - Final Day
No description would be adequate to convey the extent of what just happened a few minutes ago. First of all, the field was packed tonight with more than 210,000 people! That’s a third of the population of the whole city. When I asked how many were attending for the first time, it was the majority of the crowd. That means that literally most of the city heard the Gospel this week (with combined attendance)! Pastors told us that their churches were packed to overflowing this morning – so much so, they thought they would have to turn people away.
A Mighty Outpouring! - Bouaké, Ivory Coast
Day 3
This morning our Fire Conference came to a conclusion as Peter Vandenberg and I ministered to about 10,000 delegates – pastors and leaders from the region. We prayed, as usual, for them to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was glorious! I believe a spark of revival has been lit here in Bouaké, Ivory Coast, that will continue with the local Body of Christ long after we’ve gone.
An Overwhelming Response - Ivory Coast
Day 2
It was another huge day here in Bouaké, Ivory Coast. The crowd more than doubled tonight. I preached about the power in the blood of Jesus, and the response was overwhelming. So many people gave their lives to the Lord!
Heaven is Rejoicing! - Ivory Coast
Day 1
The first night of our Gospel campaign here in Boauké, Ivory Coast has just ended minutes ago. I am so amazed by the level of hunger and expectancy in this small place. As I preached, there was an overwhelming response from the people who were hanging on every word.