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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



For over 50 years, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda have been conducting crusades world-wide. Here, you can read detailed accounts of each CfaN crusade! You will see people coming to Christ by the millions! You can experience first-hand reports and testimonies from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations Crusade Team! Witness what the Lord is doing around the world, and be encouraged to believe Him for the miracle you need in your life today!


Uganda Week 4

Uganda is undergoing a significant transformation as a powerful wave of revival sweeps across the nation. Our current series of FIFTEEN mass crusades, including five that have just concluded and two more scheduled for this week, is making a HUGE impact on the nation.

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Uganda Week 3

The latest Uganda Crusade took place in the Lubaga District of Kampala. This area was strategically located between a mosque and a witch doctor’s shrine, and it was once considered the most wicked and darkest place in Kampala. This Crusade represents a significant victory for the Kingdom of God! Hallelujah!

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400% Church Growth!

Uganda Week 2 -- Night 5

Tonight, we concluded the second week of crusades here in Uganda, wrapping up the first seven of fifteen planned events. The response has been phenomenal. Already hundreds of thousands have come to Christ and the count is still rising!

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Witch doctors, demoniacs and madmen!

Uganda Week 2 -- Night 4

If you read my report from last night, you know that as a team, in all four cities, we preached about the blood of Jesus last night and went after witchcraft and idolatry, which are strongholds in these cities. The response has been overwhelming. Many attendees have surrendered items linked to the occult—fetishes, charms, amulets, idols, and books—for destruction. We've witnessed numerous individuals freed from demonic possession and oppression. This trend continued today.

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Enough is enough

Uganda Week 2 -- Night 3

Tonight, I had the privilege of preaching in the city of Gulu, Uganda. Jim Leamon is one of the evangelists carrying this crusade (Jim and Kathy are a husband-and-wife team stationed here. Both graduated from the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp). He wrote: "Tonight, Evangelist Kolenda returned to the city of Gulu, Uganda to the exact same field he was on in 2012. This is the third night of the crusade where the crowd has grown exponentially each night. And tonight was no exception. The people began gathering hours beforehand to hear the message he would deliver. Evangelist Kolenda rewarded them with a clear gospel message on the blood of Jesus and thousands responded to the salvation call."

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