Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



For over 50 years, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda have been conducting crusades world-wide. Here, you can read detailed accounts of each CfaN crusade! You will see people coming to Christ by the millions! You can experience first-hand reports and testimonies from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations Crusade Team! Witness what the Lord is doing around the world, and be encouraged to believe Him for the miracle you need in your life today!

Power in the Airwaves

Final Day

I’ve just returned from the field on this final night of our Gospel campaign here in Tamale, Ghana. The crowd more than doubled tonight! It was a huge breakthrough. Behind the platform, more than 35,000 people stood in the darkness. These were mostly Muslims who had come to the meeting despite the prohibition of local Imams. Click Read more to see a short video from our final day!

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Day 3

I am just overwhelmed by the goodness of God as I write this. Today, he answered by Fire as we prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit here in Tamale, Ghana. This morning, pastors and leaders were getting absolutely rocked by the glory of God. Click Read more to see a video and a full report from Day 3!

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Power in the Blood

Day 2

We have just come from the field on night 2 of our Gospel Campaign here in Tamale, Ghana. Tonight, I preached on the blood of Jesus. Thousands came into the Kingdom of God. We also saw how many demoniacs began to manifest as soon as I started talking about the blood of Jesus. Shrieks and cries could be heard all over the field.

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First Time in Tamale in 30 years!


Evangelist Daniel Kolenda shares from Tamale- our first time back in 30 years, and we are excited and expectant for our first Gospel Crusade of 2017. Watch this short video from our arrival to Tamale, Ghana by clicking Click Read below.

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30 Years Later - Tamale, Ghana

Day 1

Greetings from the city of Tamale in Ghana, West Africa. Our Gospel Crusade began this morning with the Fire Conference, and the evangelistic service tonight. The last time Christ for all Nations was in Tamale was 30 years ago this week. In fact, it was in this city that we first started counting decision cards and keeping track of the new converts that were being ushered into the follow up system in 1987. To watch a brief video of Life in Tamale, Ghana and see the complete report from Day 1, click Read More below.

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