Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Record-breaking Crowds!


Dear Mission Partners,


As the curtain falls on our first week of Gospel Crusades in the Congo, we find ourselves awash in awe and gratitude. This week has been nothing short of extraordinary, with record-breaking crowds and an unprecedented number of salvations in both Mbuji-Mayi and Kabinda. Never before have we witnessed such a simultaneous outpouring of faith and grace in these cities within the same week.


The presence of provincial governors on the final night in both cities underscored the significance of these events. In Mbuji-Mayi, alongside government and local church leaders, we held aloft the flag of Congo and prayed a blessing over this beloved land. The response was electric; shouts of joy filled the air, and one bishop declared, "This city will never be the same."


The Governor dances joyfully on stage with Evangelist Joe Turnbull


In this campaign, we encountered a new challenge. Our technical team, pressed for time, had to swiftly move all equipment to the next cities for the upcoming crusades. This urgency meant we couldn't capture testimonies on stage. However, as the prayer of blessing concluded, a wave of excitement swept through the crowd. In Kabinda, the atmosphere was jubilant, with many rushing the stage in celebration.

My heart overflows with gratitude for the entire CfaN team and for you, our partners around the world. It is a profound honor to be part of this divine endeavor. Thank you for making this crusade possible!


Next week, we look forward to two more crusades in Congo, including a special women's crusade featuring all women preachers (and myself ☺️). Please pray for our technical team as they face the formidable task of relocating all equipment in a matter of hours. There is much more to come...


Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the whole CfaN team)


These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Support the Crusades


The Roar!


Dear Mission Partners,


Our fourth night of the first week of crusades in the Congo has been truly remarkable! Tonight, alongside our usual preaching of the gospel and prayers for the sick, we also prayed for the people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. The outpouring and infilling were extraordinary. The hunger for the Gospel here is palpable. The crowd's fervor is so intense that their unified voices create a roar that resonates across the city, drawing more people to the field each night. It's an awe-inspiring sound. The Lion of Judah is in Congo!


Tonight in Mbuji-Mayi, I had the privilege of preaching, with Joe Turnbull leading the healing prayers. In Kabinda, Evangelist Jim Leamon preached, while Evangelist Moses Ajibade prayed for the sick. The testimonies from both cities were wonderful!


Masanka, a 40-year-old woman who had suffered from internal pain and bleeding for 28 years, experienced complete healing after prayer on Wednesday. She returned tonight to share her testimony.


Regine, a 70-year-old woman who had struggled with hearing problems for many years, found her hearing miraculously restored after receiving prayer.


Maluka, whose vision was impaired after an accident two years ago, saw his sight restored instantly as witchcraft items were burned on the field.


We have one more night of meetings this week, followed by two crusades next week and two more the week after; six Congo crusades in total. This year marks CfaN's 50th anniversary, and we are conducting 50 crusades. By the end of this week, we will be more than halfway through! Please continue to pray for us as we press forward with all the strength God provides.


Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the whole CfaN team)


These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Support the Crusades

A New Generation

Dear Mission Partners,


We have just concluded the third night of our gospel crusades here in the Congo, held simultaneously in the cities of Mbuji-Mayi and Kabinda. The atmosphere reminds me of the crusades from twenty years ago, filled with vibrant energy from people experiencing a Gospel Crusade for the first time. In Mbuji-Mayi, we have not held a crusade in over 30 years, and with an average age of 15, an entire generation has passed. Kabinda, on the other hand, is hosting its very first gospel crusade. It is a joy to break new ground, even as our team navigates the complexities of organizing such a significant event. They've remarked that this has been one of the most challenging campaigns in recent memory.


This evening, I had the privilege of preaching in Mbuji-Mayi while Bootcamp graduate, Deepak Holkar ministered over 100 miles away in Kabinda. The response to the gospel in both cities was profound. Our counselors are tirelessly working to connect the many new believers with local churches. We broke curses, burned witchcraft fetishes, and prayed for the sick; Joe Turnbull led the prayer in Mbuji-Mayi, and Jim Leamon did so in Kabinda. We witnessed numerous remarkable testimonies, including: 


Matina, who had been unable to walk without a stick for 15 years following a fall, was healed and walked freely.


Bony, at 43 years old, had suffered from painful wounds on both legs for 15 years. After placing his hands on his legs during prayer, he was completely healed and walked without pain for the first time. 


Patient, a young man of 21, had injured his shoulder playing football in 2020 and could not move his arm freely. Now, he is pain-free and enjoys full mobility. 


Jeanie, a 23-year-old woman, experienced a miraculous touch when she saw a vision of a hand washing her, and her pain instantly vanished. 


As we look forward to tomorrow, we anticipate a powerful outpouring. We will be praying over the large crowds in both cities, inviting all who wish to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Your continued prayers and support are invaluable to us and the precious people of Congo. 


Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 

Support the Crusades


Tumors Vanish!

Dear Mission Partners,


Tonight marked the second night of our campaign here in the Congo. There are two simultaneous crusades happening this week on two fields in two cities. On both fields, the attendance has been extraordinary. Crowds began gathering hours before the meetings even began, a testament to the deep spiritual hunger present in these regions. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, and it was clear that the people were eager to encounter the power of God.


I preached tonight in the city of Mbuji-Mayi. When it came time for the altar call, the response to the gospel was virtually unanimous. Our army of counselors was overwhelmed with the demand. I wish you could see the openness to the gospel here. It is really something remarkable and moving. We are now working hard to connect these new converts with local churches for further growth and discipleship.


After preaching, I prayed for the sick and many miracles followed. There was a remarkable number of people that said they felt tumors, fibroids and lumps vanish. For example, Grace, who had been suffering from a painful mass on his left side for two years, felt the mass disappear completely. Regina felt a lump in her side vanish, and Mpoyi's stomach growth, which had prevented her from bending, disappeared, allowing her to move freely. Tshikuyi felt the fibroids in her womb dissolve, and Nkole's tumor, present for six years, vanished during prayer. The atmosphere was charged with the joy and awe of witnessing the finger of God at work.


Grace showed where he used to have a painful mass on his side, like a ball. During the healing prayer, the mass disappeared completely.


Meanwhile, in the city of Kabinda, Bootcamp graduate Evangelist Deepak Holkar shared a powerful message about the Blood of Jesus. The excitement in the crowd was palpable, particularly in a city long associated with witchcraft. The locals shared that "Kabinda" means being captured or held, highlighting the spiritual bondage prevalent in the area. After the Gospel was preached, we burned witchcraft items, symbolizing a powerful break from the past.


One of the night's most profound moments came when Yamba Yama, who had been unable to walk for 15 years, miraculously stood up and walked after prayer, even jumping on stage. This miraculous healing was a vivid demonstration of Acts 8:8, "And there was great joy in that city." The city of Kabinda was filled with joy and celebration as the stronghold of darkness was broken.


There were many other testimonies from Kabinda as well:


Jack, who had been deaf in his left ear since childhood, regained his hearing. 


Meecleck, previously unable to walk due to broken legs, stood and walked, even jumping on stage. 


Pierce, paralyzed for over two years, walked and celebrated his healing. 


Please continue to pray for us. We are just getting started here in Congo. Over the next three weeks we will conduct SIX such crusades and hundreds of thousands of people will hear the Gospel.


Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 

Support the Crusades


Back after 30 Years!

Dear Mission Partners, 
Our crusade in the Congo has been nothing short of miraculous, but it has not been without significant challenges. As we prepared for six campaigns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we ventured into one of the most forgotten and inaccessible regions imaginable. This area is marked by extreme poverty, lacking basic infrastructure such as roads, running water, and electricity. Our Tanzanian directors remarked that they had never witnessed such hardship before. The journey to these towns is arduous; our senior campaign director, Vojtech Trcka, even spent nine hours on a motorbike traveling between two of the cities. This is a testament to the sacrificial obedience of going wherever the Lord leads, regardless of the discomfort or difficulty. 
Two of the five cities we are visiting have never hosted an international campaign before, while the other three have had only one, more than thirty years ago. The announcement of our return was met with tears of joy from local church leaders, who welcomed us warmly and adjusted their schedules to accommodate our campaigns. The eagerness and dedication we encountered were truly heartwarming. 

Despite the severe logistical challenges, including our trucks suffering extensive damage and frequent breakdowns due to the lack of available parts in these remote areas, we managed to secure permits and coordinate with thousands of pastors—over 1,700 in Mbuji-Mayi alone. The situation became particularly challenging as our trucks struggled to reach their destinations. Ultimately, we had to hire local military-style transport vehicles, transferring our equipment from the damaged trucks to these vehicles, which arrived just in time for the crusade to begin. 

Tonight In Mbuji-Mayi, it was a huge first night by any standard. We are on the same exact field where Evangelist Bonnke preached in 1991 – a picture that stands in our headquarters in Orlando, bearing witness to the remarkable things that happened here all those years ago. This week God will do even greater things! 

As Evangelist Joe Turnbull shared his testimony tonight, thousands raised their hands, surrendering their lives to Christ. The testimonies of healing were extraordinary: a man was healed of a growing lump on his stomach, Julienne walked freely after 10 years of difficulty, Charles danced without pain after suffering for years, Sarah was freed from 13 years of headaches and insanity, and Henriette spoke without pain after weeks of chest issues. 

Julienne could not walk unaided for over 10 years. Jesus completely restored her and she was dancing on stage with joy. 
In Kabinda, they are already on their second night! The crowd's energy was unmatched, and they eagerly received the message preached by Evangelist Moses Ajibade. Evangelist Deepak Holkar then led a powerful healing session, where David, who hadn't walked without crutches for 10 years, walked freely. A 10-year-old boy, Henry, walked for the first time in his life, Charlotte regained her sight after 10 years, Jean Pierre walked after being incapacitated by a car accident, and a little girl was healed from a jaw injury that prevented her from opening her mouth. 

David fell out of a tree, damaging his hip, and had been using crutches for 6 years before receiving his healing tonight! 
All of these evangelists ministering with me this week are Bootcamp Graduates. The vision for multiplication and a Decade of Double Harvest is being fulfilled before our eyes! 
As we continue our crusades in this desperately needy region, we are overwhelmed by the Lord's mighty work. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we face these challenges head-on, bringing hope and healing to the people of the Congo. 
Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 

Support the Crusades



Event Dates: July 31st - August 18th, 2024

Coordinates: 4.0383° N, 21.7587° E

Population: 99.01 million (2022)