Episode 130
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda sits down with Dr. Gordon Crozier to discuss health and wellness. Dr. Crozier is a specialist who addresses illnesses on a cellular level. Instead of just treating the symptoms of sickness and disease, Dr. Crozier focuses on the root cause of these ailments.
Join hundreds of thousands lifting their voices in timeless anthems of worship under the African sky. This one of a kind LIVE praise and worship experience, led by Daniel Kolenda and captured at one of Christ for all Nations' massive Gospel campaigns in Africa, will transport you to the epicenter of one of the greatest moves of God in history.
Christ for all Nations’ Gospel Campaigns are known, not only for unprecedented crowds, but also for extraordinary miracles that follow the preaching of the Gospel. This DVD contains 12 stories that serve as a small sampling of thousands.
Dr. Crozier uses a revolutionary new medical approach to fight disease and bring healing one cell at a time. He is a pioneer in using genetics-based medicine to get an entire picture of how an individual may attain health and prevent the effects of possible disease-related symptoms. In this book you’ll learn how you too might find better health and wellness, one cell at a time.
In 2024, we are believing for an even greater harvest of souls than we have ever seen before and your online donation will make a measurable difference in the Kingdom. The open door for worldwide evangelism before us is great and we simply cannot do it without your help.
Could you use a supernatural intervention from heaven in some area of your life? The same miracles we see on the mission field are available for you right where you live. Each request is prayed for by our staff and then sent to an actual Christ for all Nations crusade where I, the local pastors, and all the attendees stretch out their hands toward your needs, and agree in prayer that God will do a miracle in your life!
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