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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Crusades in Three Cities Tonight!

Dear Mission Partners,
Tonight is the first night of crusades here in Uganda. Over the next few weeks, we will conduct FIFTEEN Gospel Crusades throughout this nation. In addition, we have already trained hundreds of local evangelists and we have been working with them for the last couple months. Also, Bootcamp graduates and students are on the ground here preaching the Gospel all over the nation! Literally millions of people will have heard the gospel in Uganda by the time we are finished! IT’S HARVEST TIME!
Tonight, crusades started in three different cities: Lira, Busia and Hoima. 
From Busia, Uganda, Evangelist Joe Turnbull wrote:
“As we were preparing at the hotel to go to the crusade field, we heard from the balcony a loud marching band with people shouting and singing songs of joy. After the crusade parade, no more than 5 minutes later, all of a sudden a storm came out of nowhere with a downpour of rain for a whole hour. But to our surprise, when we pulled up to the field thousands were still there waiting, expectant and hungry for a move of God. We preached the Gospel with thousands of hands going up for salvation.”  
From Hoima, Uganda, Evangelist Alejandro Escobar wrote:
“The hunger was reflected in the multitudes who came tonight. The sound systems stopped working twice during the preaching, but the people stayed. In fact, the crowd kept growing and growing until we closed the meeting! We witnessed thousands responding to the call of salvation and miracles followed the preaching of the Gospel.”
From Lira, Uganda, Evangelist Jared Horton wrote:
“When we arrived at the Crusade field, the crowd was expectant and ready to receive the Word of God. You could see people down the street on motorcycles that stopped to hear the Gospel message. There were even 6-10 construction workers across the street putting on a roof who waved that they could hear me as I called out to them to make sure they were listening. As far as the sound could reach, the people of Lira, Uganda, received a crystal clear, simple Gospel message.”

This woman, Adong, had been in pain for 12 years in her abdomen and back because of a tumor. After the prayer for the sick, all pain was gone and she could bend and move freely, dancing on stage with joy.


She was blind in her left eye for three years. After prayer, her eyesight was restored, as she demonstrated on stage.


Acan was scheduled to have a third operation on her abdomen but decided to leave the hospital and come to the crusade for prayer. Despite the visible wound on her side, after prayer she was able to move and jump freely without pain, beaming from ear to ear.
In each city there are two evangelists stationed (usually Bootcamp Graduates), plus one evangelist in training (also a Bootcamp graduate). In this way, the more experienced evangelists are helping to coach the newer ones. This means that even the crusades themselves are an exercise in training up the next generation of evangelists!
All these crusades are being organized by the Christ for all Nations team, many of whom have been on the ground here in Uganda full-time for months (some of them since January). All our CfaN equipment and technicians are on site in each of these locations (and many of them are already en route to Congo, where our next round of crusades will happen in a few weeks). 
Each day I am traveling to a new city with Bret Sipek (the lead organizer), where a crusade is already ongoing. I will preach in the crusade, encourage the team there, meet with local church and government leaders to thank them for their support, and then move on to the next location where another crusade is ongoing. What a joy to see city after city being shaken by the power of the Gospel! 
I’m so thankful for this amazing team on the ground. They are literally the best in the world at what they do. 
And I’m so thankful for you, the best ministry friends and partners anywhere! Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for sending us. I look forward to reporting back to you each day on the wonderful things God is doing.
Yours in the Gospel,


Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 

Support the Crusades



Event Dates: June 12th - 16th, 2024
Coordinates: 1.3733° N, 32.2903° E
Population: 47.25 million (2022)