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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


The testimonies are flooding in!

Our Spring 2021 Bootcamp students have only just arrived in Tanzania – and already we are seeing a tsunami of outstanding testimonies flooding the social media feeds! We are so excited to share with you what God is doing through over 90 fiery, enthusiastic evangelists. For three months, they’ve been building up a mighty “charge” of Holy Spirit energy and motivation. They couldn’t wait to get to Tanzania and get going with their mission for their 3-week Initiation Trip!


Watch this short recap of the team arriving and preaching the Gospel right away!



Each Bootcamp student knows exactly why they’re there, what their purpose is – what God has called them to do! Preach the unadulterated Gospel, pray for the sick, and lead people straight into the arms of Jesus. Here’s just the tiniest glimpse of the amazing stories that are pouring in, from the Bootcamp students themselves…

Tanzania Initiation Trip: Day 1


Set free and saved from suicidal thoughts!

There was a man who gave his life to Jesus and stayed around for the healing prayer. After the meeting, we were able to talk to him, and he told the team that the previous night he was going to commit suicide. He battled with depression and heard the Gospel being preached and gave his life to Jesus! He was immediately delivered and no longer wanted to kill himself. Hallelujah! Hannah VanSteenvoort.

Tanzania Initiation Trip: Day 1


God saved my son – half the world away!

During Bootcamp, my 22-year-old son was extremely ill with COVID-19, and I spent 10 days back in Wisconsin while he was in ICU. Praise God – he walked out of the hospital 13 days later. But God was not finished with us yet. Fast-forward to me going to Tanzania… My nerves, the travel, the last-minute conversations with family, and great anticipation for the next days’ events all lead to a night of 3 hours of sleep. My eyes burned as I picked up my phone only to see a very disturbing message from my son asking me to pray. The pressure was intense, and I prayed before I decided to call him. It was 5:30 a.m. for me in Mbeya and thankfully, my son answered. After praying for him, the Holy Spirit was moving on him and it was clear he was tender to the Gospel. By God’s grace, my son gave his life to the Lord and I burst into tears at the realization that over 17 years of prayer had come to fruition in front of my eyes. The Lord is so faithful. Dave Uher

Tanzania Initiation Trip: Day 1


“Not today, devil!”

The day started a little rocky. Wet weather made the roads a slippery mess. Our minivan struggled to gain traction as it lurched down the road to the location for the Kids Crusade. The driver struggled to understand our team captain. The GPS struggled to find our position. The enemy was making an all-out assault to prevent children from hearing the Gospel. We prayed and let the devil know: “Not today!”

The first crusade went well. We saw many children reach their hands in the air for salvation and to receive The Holy Spirit. After the prayer of salvation, the song “One Way Jesus” rang through the hills of Tanzania! Children lined up to receive their copy of “What’s Next?” (follow-up literature for children)”. We had the opportunity to pray for several deaf children. We were also able to share with several of the adults and asked them to continue to disciple the children…The Holy Spirit protected and empowered us today to preach the Gospel in the middle of bad weather, muddy roads, and the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. We packed our gear and lurched out on the muddy roads once again to go and preach the Gospel. Phillip Anderson


The best is yet to come!

It is literally only the first week of Bootcamp Initiation, and we are so encouraged to be witnesses to this tremendous move of God. On the highways and byways, in villages and marketplaces, in towns and jails and wherever the people are – Jesus is ALWAYS the same!

Tanzania Initiation Trip: Day 1

Please continue to pray without ceasing for the Bootcamp Initiation, as well as the CfaN team. We cannot do this great work without your love and support. In fact, YOU are an integral part of this ministry, and these testimonies are only possible because you have helped us to go to the nations. Thank you! We love you.

Africa shall be saved!

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(with the Bootcamp students and the whole CfaN team)

Week 4

The Christ for all Nations Bootcamp Initiation has just concluded in Tanzania, and we have witnessed a massive harvest for Jesus – 316,458 decisions for Jesus in three weeks! Hallelujah! I wanted to share with you a report from Evangelist Jared Horton, who just returned from Tanzania, and plays an integral role in equipping our Bootcamp students:


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 4


After three months of intense Evangelism training here at Christ for All Nations, 19 Evangelism Trainers and 94 Bootcamp students packed their bags and headed to Tanzania. The On-Field Initiation trip is the very last part of the Bootcamp training and is required in order to graduate. Up to this point, the students had received powerful teachings from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and many other great instructors on Crusade Evangelism, and the CfaN Bootcamp Initiation is where they put into practice all they have learned. The students were spread out over five cities in Tanzania: Mtwara/Lindi, Dodoma, Mwanza, Mbeya and Morogoro.


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 4


Students arrived April 19th, and from April 20th to May 9th, these evangelists set each city ablaze with the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Kids Crusades, Gospel truck outreaches, and One-to-One Evangelism! God showed Himself powerful just as Mark 16:20 says, “ They went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying of signs!” Signs, wonders and miracles began to break out everywhere as these evangelists ministered! Numerous blind eyes and deaf ears opened in the name of Jesus. One paralyzed child, who had never walked before, instantly received his healing and began walking after the prayer for the sick. There are so many more testimonies that could be shared, but the greatest testimony is that over 300,000 people made decisions for Christ in only 3 weeks!


We are truly seeing the multiplication of evangelists happen right before our eyes. Just to give you an example of this, 13 of the 19 Evangelism trainers were 2020 Bootcamp Graduates. These graduates are already training other evangelists for this massive Decade of Double Harvest! The future is bright! The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are being multiplied and equipped!”

Before the students left Tanzania to return home, they went out into the streets of Dar Es Salaam in groups of twos and threes, preaching the Gospel right up until their flights departed (and some even on the flights)! Watch this recap from Dar Es Salaam:


We are living in the greatest days to reap a harvest for Jesus! Though there may be darkness, fear, and division in our world, this is the perfect opportunity for the light of the Gospel to shine even brighter and bring hope to the lost.


On Saturday, May 15th, over 60 Bootcamp students will graduate in Orlando, Florida (not far from our CfaN headquarters). You can join us by watching the Livestream of the CfaN Bootcamp Graduation! Subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Facebook to watch the Livestream at 4:45 pm EST.


Thank you for standing with us! Please know that each person who supports this ministry financially-as well as through prayer-has a reward in heaven for contributing to the hundreds of thousands of salvations that we have just seen. And that was just in the last 3 weeks, during a pandemic! The Decade of Double Harvest is underway!


Take a look at a few photos from the last three weeks in Tanzania!

Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 4

Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 4

Together in the Harvest,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(with the Bootcamp students and the whole CfaN team)

Week 3 - Mbeya

As the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp Initiation drew to a close, the team in Mbeya finished strong! You can watch this brief recap from Mbeya, and read the incredible testimonies below!



Testimonies from the team in Mbeya!


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 4


…While David [Uher] was praying for a man with crutches, another man walked up and asked me, “Can you pray for my arm? It’s paralyzed.” So I went to pray for him and as soon as I touched the man’s arm, his muscles began twitching and his fingers were twitching. After I prayed for him I said, “Try your arm.” He lifted his arm halfway up and opened his hand halfway. He looked at me with a shocked look and so I said, “Could you do that before?” And he said, “No!” I told him, “I am going to pray again.” And then after praying, he held his hand over his head and I was able to give him a high five! Praise Jesus!

Edward Funk, CfaN Bootcamp Student


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 4


Today we saw the Lord drawing people to us as we preached the Gospel to people one on one in the neighborhoods. The people were drawn to us and before we realized it, there was a group of about 10 people listening and at the end of sharing the Gospel with them, many decided to give their lives to Jesus! The Lord did amazing miracles today as we shared the Gospel. We saw a woman with abdominal pain healed and Baptized in the Holy Spirit. This lady had pain in her abdomen and had total blindness. We prayed and Jesus healed her abdominal problems and she began to recover her sight! While we were there, she started to see light! Her husband was so excited as he witnessed her vision coming back. She then began to see our shapes and soon was able to find and touch our hands. When we left, she was seeing colors and we believe that her sight will continue to improve! Jesus is the Healer! Glory to God! Also, I met a group of young men who had gone away from the Lord. I shared the Gospel with them, and they made the decision to come back to Jesus! In a market, I met a lady who was saved and healed in a CfaN crusade years ago and is still attending church regularly. When we met her, it was already 2pm in the afternoon and she had not started working yet because she had pain in her body. We prayed with her, and Jesus took all her pain away instantly! We serve a loving and powerful God!

Gabriel Garcia, CfaN Bootcamp Student


Praise God for these miraculous testimonies and how the Lord has used these incredible CfaN Bootcamp students! Stay tuned for the final report of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp Initiation we will send you about their last outreaches in Dar Es Salaam! And, this Saturday May 15th, the Bootcamp Graduation will be livestreamed at 4:45pm EST so be sure to follow me on social media to watch!

Africa shall be saved!

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(with the Bootcamp students and the whole CfaN team)

Week 2 - Dodoma, Tanzania

We have received countless testimonies of salvations, healings, and deliverance from Tanzania! The CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp students, CfaN Bootcamp Graduates, and CfaN Evangelists are after a harvest of souls and traveling to both the cities and remote places to preach the Gospel. The five teams in five different cities are giving it their all for Jesus. We are now over halfway through the Bootcamp Initiation as week 3 begins! And, the greatest news is we have seen over 200,000 decisions for Jesus! Hallelujah!


Watch below a recap of Week Two of the students who were ministering in the city of Dodoma, Tanzania!


I also wanted to share with you a few more testimonies from the CfaN Bootcamp students on the ground!


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 3


Mwanza, Tanzania

"I was going to go to the witch doctor, but something told me to stop and listen"... His life was a mess. He told me that it seemed like he was going nowhere. That every time he took a step forward, it seemed he had to take ten steps back. He was depressed and felt as if he had nowhere to go, and he did not know what to do. He said, ‘I was so depressed that I was thinking what to do... By tomorrow I wanted to go the village to consult a medium.’ But God had other plans for him. He sat down in the park where we were preaching and felt something telling him to pay attention. Then he heard it, the words of God hitting him in the heart. He told us later, ‘The pastor, I felt like he was talking about me.’ Then the altar call went up, and this precious man stood and went to the front. He said, ‘I felt like an invisible man was standing beside me whispering into my ear, saying, 'What are you waiting for?' Precious Green gave his heart to the Lord that day and received the Holy Spirit. It was such an amazing experience to see God touch him in such a great way… This is the power of our saving Jesus, the one who will leave the ninety-nine to go after the one!”

Tabitha Glasscock, CfaN Bootcamp Student


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 3


Dodoma, Tanzania

"Today when I preached on healing in a village, a man came forward to testify that he was healed! However, something must have been amiss in translation as he spoke a tribal language, not Swahili. I had to get another translator to translate from Swahili. Then he said he was not yet healed and needed prayer! He was already on stage, so I had the entire village stretch out their hands towards him as I prayed and broke that infirmity off his body in Jesus’ name. His knees were healed instantly, and he was bending down doing squats on stage! It was wild!"

Jacqui Ford, CfaN Bootcamp Student


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 3


Mtwara, Tanzania

“Today, I had the opportunity to minister to a woman who was tormented for over eight years from unclean spirits. She first repented of her sins and received the gift of salvation. Afterward, the Lord revealed that the open door to the demons was the spirit of rejection. We broke the curses and delivered her from the spirit of rejection. The Fatherhood of God touched her heart and healed her from the wounds of rejection and abandonment. She had a beautiful smile come upon her face. She was delivered and set free. Praise God! She then wanted her Mom to be set free. We got into the car and drove to her house. While there, her Mom, along with four others called upon the Lord. Her daughter was healed from mental illness, she was healed of ulcers, and we prayed for all of them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. A man who had come up to join them was also saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. He was visibly touched by the power of God. I praise the Lord for all He has done!”

Abraham Lankford, CfaN Bootcamp Student

We are rejoicing over all of the salvations and healings taking place! The Kingdom of God is advancing, the evangelists are on fire, and more than 200,000 people will now spend eternity in Heaven because of the power of preaching the Gospel!

The Decade of Double Harvest is unfolding before our very eyes and we cannot thank you enough for your continued support and prayers for Christ for all Nations (and the team with boots on the ground in Tanzania!)

Africa shall be saved!

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(with the Bootcamp students and the whole CfaN team)

Week 1 - Morogoro, Tanzania

The first week of the Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp Initiation is complete! The students have persevered through muddy roads, rainy weather, car breakdowns, and more. With five teams of Bootcamp Students ministering in five different cities, we have seen over 119,400 decisions for Christ in just the first week! All of Heaven is rejoicing over each person that said “YES!” to Jesus and we are too!


Watch this short video from the team in Morogoro, Tanzania, just one of the five cities shaken by the Gospel!


We wanted to share a few more impactful testimonies!


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 2


Healed after 49 years – Mbeya, Tanzania

"Yesterday after I prayed for the sick this lady came up and said she couldn’t hear. So we prayed for this lady the first time, and nothing happened. The second time we prayed she could hear only a little. Then we prayed a third time and she was completely healed. Jesus healed her. This lady couldn’t hear since 1972."

Darryl Ingram Jr


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 2


Hungry for God – Mbeya, Tanzania

"A man called Barakah came up to the car and asked if he could speak with us. He was so hungry for more of God and he was desiring to receive the Holy Spirit and his heavenly language. Robert, Melina, and I prayed for Him. He was instantly filled with the Holy Spirit. He proclaimed that from this day on he would never be the same! This was such a pure and holy moment that I will never forget."

Rebekah Wilcox


Tanzania Initiation Trip: Week 2


Muslim Woman Set Free and Saved – Morogoro, Tanzania

"I had the privilege to pray for the sick. Several were in need of healing. As I started to pray for the sick, I came against demonic spirits and oppressions. A Muslim lady fell to the ground, and started to manifest demons on the muddy ground. Our team gathered around her and continued the deliverance as I prayed for the others who were in sickness at the market. Afterwards, she came to testify that she had been tormented by demons for a long time. This early afternoon, she smiled as she had been delivered, healed and saved, right in front of the mosque. She was overwhelmed and so happy!"

Daniel Smenes


There are still two full weeks left of the CfaN Bootcamp Initiation. Please continue to pray for the teams on the ground as they press through to preach the Gospel. We cannot do this great work without your love and support. Thank you!

Africa shall be saved!

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(with the Bootcamp students and the whole CfaN team)


Event Dates: April 19th - May 9th, 2021 Coordinates: 6.3690° S, 34.8888° E Population: 59,734,218 inhabitants (2020)