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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Every knee bowed!

Dear Mission Partners, 
Tonight marked the beginning of our second week here in Ethiopia, where we are holding two simultaneous crusades in the cities of Sodo (where I am tonight) and Hosanna (where I will be this Saturday and Sunday). 
Tonight, I witnessed something I’ve never experienced before. As I preached, I spoke about the promise in Philippians 2:10 – that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Then, something remarkable happened. Without my prompting, the crowd began to kneel in the dirt, lifting their hands and spontaneously calling on the name of Jesus. I knelt with them, waiting for the moment to pass so I could continue, but they had no intention of stopping. Their cries to the Lord grew even more fervent, many of them weeping, pouring out their hearts in raw, genuine surrender. It was such a powerful moment that my own eyes filled with tears. Finally, with all of us still on our knees before the King of Kings, I led them in a prayer of salvation. 
Meanwhile, in the city of Hosanna, the day began with heavy rain pouring down, driving away the crowd that had gathered. As the rain continued, Evangelist David Rotärmel – the Bootcamp graduate who is stationed there – watched the people scatter, seeking shelter. Moved by the unfolding disaster, the Vice Chairman of the crusade began to weep, lifting up a heartfelt prayer for the rain to cease and for the people to return. Amazingly, the rain quickly stopped, and the people returned to the field – in even greater numbers than before! 
David preached the Gospel with all his heart and then prayed for the sick. In both cities we saw tremendous miracles on this first night. Here is a small sampling: 
A woman with a massive tumor on her chest felt it vanish during the prayer. Overwhelmed with joy, she ran off to share the news with her family before we could even hear her full testimony. 
Taddeus, who had suffered from a severe headache linked to witchcraft since 1994, was set free and completely healed. 
Tamrat, who had been dealing with debilitating pain in his left arm for three years following a motorcycle accident, was healed and could lift his arm again! 
Martha, unable to move her right leg and suffering from kidney pain for five years, was healed and danced joyfully on stage. 
This is only the beginning of our crusades this week. We ask for your continued prayers as we press forward here in Ethiopia, believing for a historic harvest of souls. 
Yours in Christ, 
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the whole CfaN team)


These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Support the Crusades



Event Dates: October 10th - October 13th, 2024

Coordinates: 9.1450° N, 40.4897° E

Population: 123.4 million (2022)