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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Mighty miracles swept across the land

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Here we have Evangelist Joe Turnbull’s report from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Crusade in Kigamboni, Tanzania. Evangelist Joe’s wife, Christa, was also able to join him for the crusade in Kigamboni!

“It was a true honor to be called to the city of Dar es Salaam to preach alongside Evangelist Daniel Kolenda in Operation Decapolis for Christ for all Nations. I was paired in the district of Kigamboni with Evangelist Randy Roberts. On the way to the crusade field, I was in amazement because it was only a year and a half ago that we were sitting next to each other in the first class of Christ for all Nations Bootcamp 2020. Now we were following behind a police escort, crossing over on a boat ferry, to a crusade field where we would preach to thousands of people.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

The first night was truly remarkable as we walked up on the crusade stage. I knew it was time for Kigamboni to experience the power of the Gospel and for mighty miracles to touch their lives. As I began to preach, I felt a deep connection with every person on that field. As we got to the end, I knew they understood the Gospel and were ready to receive Jesus. Hands all over the field began to lift for salvation, and the counselors were spread out throughout the field like a net ready to catch the fish. As the counselors were helping the new converts fill out the decision cards to get them connected to a local church, suddenly, people started carrying the sick to the front of the stage.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Within minutes, hundreds of sick people were in front of the stage who couldn’t walk, hear, or see. The people came just as advertised to receive their miracle for Jesus! I knew in that moment that Jesus was going to meet them right where they were at. So, I began to pray and believe, commanding people from the stage to get up and walk, for deaf ears to open, the blind to see, for mental illnesses, back pain, and shoulder pain. I prayed for everything God put on my heart with all that I had. At that moment, people with crutches started raising them above their head, and the crowd began to cheer, and faith grew and more. People got up from laying on the ground, and others that were standing fell over from the power of God that was falling on the field.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Truly, a move of God was happening on the first night, and lines of people came to the side of the stage to testify.

  • One lady came up with her mother, an eyewitness, that she could not walk for four years without a cane. One of her legs was lame, and she couldn’t even stand without holding onto it. I asked her to walk to me without her cane - 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps, 4 steps - the crowd erupted in the place!!! I then moved forward with the microphone to ask her name, and then the mother looked at me and told me that her daughter was deaf and could not hear out of both ears. Jesus put me on the spot in front of thousands of people, but I knew the secret as Evangelist Daniel taught in class, “Put Jesus on the spot.’ So I did in front of everyone - I prayed for her ears to open, and then all of a sudden, her ears opened up. I tested the healing in front of the whole crowd, and the people knew at that moment that Jesus was in Kigamboni.

From the first night until the final night, the crowd grew each day! Multitudes came to the field of Kigamboni, and mighty miracles swept across the land, and a massive harvest was pulled in.

  • Kisiwani had problems with her eyes for 3 years, and she couldn’t see anything. She was practically blind and had to have someone lead her to the crusade. When the evangelist was praying, she felt like a wind blowing in her eyes. She was completely healed, and now she can see perfectly.
  • Mariam had a tumor in her right breast for 6 years, with swelling and pain. During the prayer, she felt like a cold feeling through her body, and then the pain and the swelling went away.
  • Fatuama had pain in her ears and would hear banging in her ears all the time. She couldn’t hear at all when people talked to her. When the evangelist said to put your hand where you have pain, she put her hands on her ears, and she was fully healed.”

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

We pray you have been blessed by reading the powerful reports and testimonies from the evangelists preaching at Operation Decapolis. The Lord is truly raising up an army of evangelists to bring millions of souls into the Kingdom of God for the Decade of Double Harvest! We could not do this without your continued prayers and support.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Yours in the Harvest,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

The miracle that changed Nasibu’s heart

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Here we have Evangelist Randy Roberts (who ministered alongside Evangelist Joe Turnbull) report from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Crusade in Kigamboni, Tanzania.

“I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus and welcome you to night two in Kigamboni!!! It’s a miracle that I’m even writing this to you because this crusade in Kigamboni wasn’t supposed to happen. We originally were only going to have 5 crusades in Dar Es Salaam, and this tiny “suburb” definitely was not going to be one of them. Kigamboni only has 25% of the next biggest crusade site population, so it didn’t qualify. Maybe that’s why I like it so much because I probably look like I don’t qualify for what God is doing in me either!!

However, because of the prompting of the Lord and your generous support, as well as encouragement from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda to do more in this Decade of Double Harvest, we added the 6th crusade and have already seen countless healing miracles, many demons fleeing from the field with a shriek, and nearly 10,000 precious souls added to the kingdom of God!! HALLELUJAH!!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Would you like to hear about one of those miracles? I thought so!!

Right before I began to preach tonight, out of Romans 10:13 (whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved), I had a brief conversation with Fred Bonnke, (Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s son who works on our Crusade tech team) and I asked him how he stayed faithful after so many years serving the ministry that his father started decades ago. His answer surprised me. He said that a few years back, CfaN began to do testimony videos of what God was doing during these massive gatherings. While filming these testimonies, he began to see how God was transforming individual lives as his father and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached the simple Gospel. So now he doesn’t see the huge crowd, but each and every individual. I believe this is how our Father in heaven sees it as well!!

This was in the front of my mind as I interviewed the precious mama in this picture. She had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for years and was unable to do the simplest of tasks or even walk properly. So we wept together as we thanked our mighty King Jesus for what He had done. No more shuffling to the market, no more discouragement because she couldn’t cook a simple meal for her family, and no more unfulfilled desires to pick up her grandchildren!! One more individual among thousands changed by the preaching of the simple Gospel. All because you sent us, we preached the Gospel, she believed it, and “called on the name of the Lord”!!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

As we pulled onto the field for the final night, Joe and I rejoiced as we saw that the crowd was nearly double the size of the previous evening!! We both instantly knew that the Harvest would be great this night!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

The crowd was boisterous in their praise, and yet as I took the microphone, I felt led to quiet them and lead them in a time of thanksgiving for what our King had done in this small suburb of Dar Es Salaam. I knelt and, along with tens of thousands of people, began to give Him heartfelt thanks.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Then it was time to PREACH!! As I began to speak, I told the people that God would confirm His word with signs, wonders, and miracles. When I said this, I was thinking about healing miracles, but God does more than just healing miracles.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

So that is the backdrop for when Nasibu came to testify. As I looked at the twenty-something-year-old man, I thought to myself, “He looks very healthy. God must have done an amazing miracle in him.”

I asked Nasibu what had happened and what he said shocked the entire field of tens of thousands into silence. ‘I am from Mwanza (about 12 hours away), and I came to Dar Es Salaam because I had heard about the 6 crusades that were happening here, and I came here to steal from the people in the crowds. When I heard your message tonight, God changed my heart, and I’ve given my life to Jesus!!’

As you can imagine, the crowd no longer remained silent. They roared their approval at what our mighty Savior had done.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

We saw many hundreds of healing miracles that night, but what has stuck with me is the miracle that changed Nasibu’s heart from that of a thief into the heart of a righteous man.”

Isn’t God amazing? So often, the enemy tries to attack the preaching of the Gospel going forth at crusades, such as witchdoctors coming to put a curse on it, or in this case, someone coming to steal! But when the Gospel is preached, lives are set free!

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17.”

Thank you for your continued prayers and support! Soon we will have our massive Gospel Crusade in Ibadan, Nigeria, in just a few weeks – more details to come soon!

Yours in the Harvest,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Jangwani now belongs to Him

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Evangelist Jacob Ebersole reports from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Crusade in Jangwani, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania!

“Flying into Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, my heart began to race as I knew the Lord was about to do something very special. I knew the area we were getting ready to minister in was a place of religious strongholds. Our heart cry as a team, led by our crusade director Richard Fullwood, was to see iron walls fall down, barriers broken, and the region of Jangwani changed forever. On the first day of the crusade, I preached from Romans 10:13, ‘For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ I’ll never forget the moment when I asked the entire crowd to SHOUT this verse as loud as they possibly could! I believe everyone within a mile radius heard the roar from the crusade field, and I believe this was the beginning of what would soon result in thousands upon thousands of people being set free, delivered, and healed.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Night after night, God made Himself known on that field as my co-evangelists Jim and Kathy Leamon ministered with power and authority. On the third night, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda came and preached on the Blood of Jesus. This was a historic night for Jangwani as I believe major BREAKTHROUGH took place in the city. We celebrated demonic curses being broken, witchcraft being burned in the fire, and thousands being added into the Kingdom of Heaven.

On the last night of the crusade, I preached a sermon called “Come to the table.” I used two tables as an illustration. On the left side of the stage, there was the devil's table. On the right side of the stage, there was the table of Jesus. Minute by minute, the anticipation grew as every man, woman, boy, and girl listening to my voice knew in their heart which table they had been sitting at in their lives. Right before I gave the altar call, I stepped off the stage, went into the crowd, and began to preach from the camera tower, which was right in the midst of the massive crowd that night. It brought tears to my eyes as I witnessed thousands of people respond to the Gospel. I believe generational curses were broken all across that field as thousands were pulled off the devil’s table and put at the feet of Jesus. We dedicated that city to the Lord as a team and declared that Jangwani now belongs to Him. Hallelujah!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Right after that, the Kingdom of Heaven began to reign down on that field as captives were being set free and religious strongholds began to shatter. I went into the audience to lay hands on people as the Holy Spirit began to fall, and I can even remember something shifting within myself. I had always had a deep love for the people of Africa, but that night something changed. Looking into the eyes of a sea of people so hungry for truth, so hungry for Jesus, I fell in love with this continent more than ever before. Thank you, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the entire CfaN team, for this amazing opportunity. I'll never be the same again.

After each sermon, I prayed for the sick.

Here are just some of the miracles that took place on the first and last night of the crusade:

  • There was a man who fell off a big truck in 2007 and injured his back severely. He had been in excruciating pain for years and years, so much so that it was even difficult for him to stand. It was also very difficult for him to sit down. He came on stage with the BIGGEST smile on his face and told us what had happened to him. He saw the crusade posters around the city, so he decided to come and believe in his healing. The crowd shouted in celebration, and he told us that while the evangelist was praying, he could feel that his pain had gone away!! He stood up straight and started to do squats, demonstrating what the Lord had done.
  • A Muslim woman had pain in her chest who came on stage to tell us what had happened. This was one of the highlights of the entire crusade for me! She saw the billboards for the crusade but wasn’t sure if she would come. Her Christian sister encouraged her to go to the crusade, but as a Muslim, she wasn’t sure. She felt a prompting to attend the event, so she did, and as the evangelist was praying, she was HEALED! I’ll never forget when she shared her testimony. I asked her who had healed her, and she replied, ‘Jesus Christ’ right in front of a mosque that was across the street. AMEN!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • Silvia had a tumor in her stomach. She had two surgeries and was told by the doctor she would need a third one. When the evangelist was praying Thursday night, she reached down to feel if she had been healed and the tumor wasn’t in her stomach anymore!! She said she could not feel it anymore!! Hallelujah.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • Martha was standing at the back of the field when the evangelist prayed for people who had been in car accidents. She had fractured her leg in an accident which caused a massive swelling. She said she couldn’t find any help at the hospital, but on this night, something happened. She felt a burning go through her leg, looked down, and realized that the swelling wasn’t there anymore!

Jacob Ebersole”

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Hallelujah! Our God heals our infirmities, He turns our sorrow into joy, He breaks down strongholds, and our mighty God brings breakthrough!

If you need prayer in any area of your life, or you’re believing for a miracle of salvation or healing for a friend or family member, know that you can always submit a prayer request to us online!

YES, I need prayer!


Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Jesus is King in Kawe!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Evangelist Macoby Donaldson was stationed in Kawe, Dar es Salaam (with Evangelist Levi Lutz, the USA Bootcamp Director). We hope you enjoy the update from Evangelist Macoby, as he shares his experience preaching at Operation Decapolis!

“Wow, what an overwhelming experience! Being invited as a guest evangelist to this Decapolis crusade was truly a privilege and honor for me. Not only preaching at a CfaN crusade but also being paired with Evangelist Levi Lutz and knowing that I would, on the last night, share the stage with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. I have zero experience preaching at crusades, and the preaching experience I have in churches and meetings is very limited. I don’t say this to hype the moment or cause hyperbole in your mind, but to show you my perspective and set the stage to properly display what the Lord has done. Throughout my preparation, I had two comforting thoughts; one was very practical and one spiritual. I am so thankful for both of these truths. The first truth, I was trained for practical crusade ministry at the Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp. I was trained by the best of the best for this specific purpose. The second truth, I know that God is sovereign. He is God, and He is God whether or not I am the most eloquent, powerful, or “anointed” preacher on the field. I know in my heart that if I am faithful to preach with faith in Jesus and not faith in me, He will show up, save souls and confirm the Word of God.

Walking up to the crusade field for the first time, I was absolutely blown away. It was the largest crowd I had ever been in front of. We walked onto the stage amidst the roar of thousands of people worshipping the Lord and dancing. After Evangelist Levi was introduced, he preached the Gospel, and thousands responded to the call for salvation! It was breathtaking to see so many hands go up in the air all at once. I walked up to pray for the sick after Evangelist Levi finished, and I gave it everything I had! Many hundreds of people were healed! I asked all those who were healed to come forward and testify.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Here are just a couple to report on:

  • One mama said she hadn’t walked well in several years and couldn’t bend over without excruciating pain. She was so happy to bend over and walk around the stage to show us what the Lord had done.
  • An older woman had no feeling in her hands or feet. She said, “I haven’t felt the shoes on my feet for many years! But after you prayed, I can feel!”

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

On the second and third nights of the crusade in Kawe, I had the distinct privilege of preaching the Gospel. It’s always fun to see the miracles, but there’s something special and deeply fulfilling about being the one who gets to preach Jesus and lead a massive group of people into the arms of Jesus. At a crusade like this, it is an art that includes many practical and logistical components. On night number two, I preached an urgent message called, “Now is the time!” It felt incredibly natural and powerful! As I made my last pleas with the people and asked for a response, I was greeted with the most beautiful sight. An army of beautiful Africans, hands going up everywhere.

  • One woman was brought onto the platform on a stretcher. Her daughter said she couldn’t walk because her feet were crippled, and her eyes were dim. As I watched them bring her onto the platform, I did have feelings of worry, but what came strongly after that was belief and faith that God is so good, has been so good, and the Word of God is true! We prayed for her in real-time in front of tens of thousands of people. After we prayed, they helped her up, and she walked! She smiled as she took our hands, took her first steps in several years, and she walked off of that platform on her own two feet!
  • A man testified that he had had a stroke and couldn’t move the left side of his body. He told us how he went from doctor to doctor looking for treatment, going into many operations, but nothing had helped him. After we prayed though, when I asked them to test out their bodies, he said suddenly he could begin to feel his left side, then lift his left arm, and then he began to take steps without his stick on his left side! He hadn’t done that in three years since he had the stroke! He was truly thrilled and thanked Jesus publicly for healing his body when the doctors couldn’t.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

On night number three, I preached Evangelist Kolenda’s sermon, “The Blood of Jesus.” We burned all the people’s ties to their old sinful lives in the “burn barrels,” and I broke the curses over the people and the region. The people brought up their witchcraft, juju, drugs, even ancestral worship items, and we burned them, and all cried together, “Jesus is King in Kawe!”

During the testimony time,

  • A young boy was brought to the crusade stage, and his family told us that he was mute and hadn’t said a single word in 2 years. The crazy thing is, I didn’t pray for mute tongues! Jesus healed him anyway, and thousands of citizens of Kawe got to hear him say his first words in two years, “Yesu!”, which means Jesus in Swahili. This is probably the testimony that hit me the most throughout the crusade. I was crying just thinking about God’s goodness and mercy.
  • A man testified that he hadn’t been able to hear out of one of his ears in 8 years. While we were praying, he said he felt a pop! He could suddenly hear out of both ears. We tested this healing, and sure enough, he could hear from both ears! Hallelujah!

The greatest miracle of all is that thousands gave their life to Jesus for the very first time! For that, I am so grateful and humbled!

The last night was very special. Evangelist Kolenda preached, and I prayed for the sick and prayed a blessing over the people of Kawe.

I will never forget this experience, and I very much hope to return one day. I am overwhelmingly grateful to Jesus and the entire CfaN team for their work and dedication. There is not another team on earth I would rather be on.”

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Only a few more reports remain from our evangelists during Operation Decapolis, and we can’t wait to share the final ones with you!


This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

When He comes, everything changes.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

In the district of Kimara, Evangelist Evelina Smane preached two nights (along with Evangelist Denis Artyushevskiy) during Operation Decapolis. Be sure to check out the amazing report below from Evangelist Evelina!

“From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my gratitude to my Lord Jesus Christ for the opportunity to proclaim His name among the nations. I am grateful to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the entire Christ for All Nations team for inviting me to be a part of this historic event in Tanzania, in the capital city of Dar es Salaam. We had six crusades simultaneously in ONE city, and I preached in the Kimara area.

The name of our evangelistic campaign was FAITH, LOVE, and MIRACLES. I felt that Jesus wanted to pour out His love so that the words written on banners and invitation flyers would become a personal experience for everyone who came to this field. I had a strong feeling that Jesus wanted to meet each person individually in the midst of a huge crowd... face to face, eye to eye, and heart to heart.

On the second day of the crusade, I preached about Zacchaeus. I said that Jesus sees the crowd, but He also sees every face. He knows their stories and names. Just like Jesus once met Zacchaeus, He is ready to meet people on this field, and their lives will never be the same. The message of Zacchaeus pierced me to the depths of my spirit and soul. During the sermon, I felt how Jesus was touching people and calling them to come down from their "trees," as He once said to Zacchaeus. It was a turning point and a historic night for many of the people - a night of repentance, a night when they decided to change their direction by the power of the Holy Spirit.

After the sermon, I prayed for the sick, and here are some of the miracles that took place:

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • Five years ago, in 2016, one woman was in an accident and hadn’t been able to walk without a cane ever since. She also carried a deep sadness within her. She was at the back of the crowd tonight, and Jesus touched her and healed her. After the prayer, she felt as though a weight had been lifted, and she was filled with joy. She can now walk by herself without her cane.
  • For many years, Christina could not see with her right eye because of cataracts. But tonight, Jesus touched her eye, and now she can see. She covered up her left eye and was able to tell Evangelist Evelina how many fingers she held up and what color her hair was.
  • A mama brought her beautiful 10-year-old daughter who could not see far, but tonight Jesus healed her, and she can now see far.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

I believe that we should live as we preach. The word about Zacchaeus is the word about restitution when the wrong things are made right. We all make mistakes as Zacchaeus did, yet Jesus brings His light into our hearts when we are ready to repent and turn from our wicked ways. From this point on, our life will never be the same again.

The Word of God is like a sword that penetrates to the separation of spirit and soul - not only for those who came to listen but also for the preacher. I am grateful to Jesus for the work He has done in the lives of people, but also in my heart.

On Saturday, when we had our fourth night of the crusade, I had the feeling that Jesus came to save the multitudes and stop for the one.

As I was coming onto the stage to preach, I felt the tangible love of Jesus. I saw people already worshipping on their knees. When our crusade director introduced me, I had a choice. I could go straight into my notes, or I could lean on Jesus and trust Him.

I knelt down and began to pray for people to encounter Jesus’s love and meet with Him face to face and heart to heart. I laid on my face, put down the mic before Him, surrendering all control and allowing Him to fully take over.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

After I got up, I saw a woman in the first row and felt I needed to come straight to her and lay hands on her. In that second, I thought that maybe it’s not proper to do so, but after the Holy Spirit showed her to me three times, I chose to lean on Him and obey, trusting Him again that He would do what only He could do, without me asking questions or allowing my logic to inhibit me.

I stepped off the stage, went straight to the woman, and laid my hands on her womb. I felt the Lord releasing her and breaking things bondage off of her life.

I went back onto the stage and shared my testimony about how Jesus saved me and changed my life. That was the only reason for me to come to the Kimara crusade - to preach about the ONE whom my souls love the most.

I preached about the woman with the issue of blood. I spoke about how the confession of that woman opened the door for her miracle. She touched Jesus with her faith, and she was made well. At the end of my sermon, I released a prayer over all the barren women present so they would be able to conceive healthy children.

When I was taking testimonies, the first woman to come was the one I had laid hands on prior to preaching my sermon. She shared that she received full healing on the first night of the crusade when my friend and co-Evangelist Denis Artyushevskiy and I prayed for healing. She was suffering for a year with a constant issue of blood flow, and after the prayer, it completely stopped. At that moment, I understood why the Lord had me pray for her. She was also barren and could not have children. Again, I prayed over her womb, and I believe she will become pregnant with a healthy baby.

I want to encourage my friends all over the world - lean on Jesus! He knows best. Surrender your control and watch Him perform the miracles. At the end of the day, it has nothing to do with us, our words, or actions – it has all to do with Him! When He comes, everything changes.

That night I also prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I saw so many people get touched by His tangible presence.

Here are a few testimonies that I want to share from that night:

  • Debora came forward tonight to testify that she had been healed. She had pain in her lower body and started bleeding 1 month after she got married and has been bleeding for 1 year. When she came Wednesday night, during the prayer, she felt the pain was going away. Since that time, the bleeding has stopped, and the pain is gone.
  • Suzan came forward to testify that she had a tumor in her womb for five years. She was supposed to go to the hospital on Tuesday to remove the tumor, but she decided to wait until the crusade. She testified that the Lord had healed her and that the tumor and the pain is gone. She also said that she had been deaf for five years in both ears and her ears are open, and she can now hear. Evangelist Evelina checked both of her ears, and she was able to hear.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • A woman came forward to testify tonight that she was completely paralyzed on her right side. She could not lift her right arm, and she could not walk without her sister helping her. As the evangelists prayed today, the Lord began to work her miracle. She was able to walk without her sister helping her, and she was able to lift her right arm.

Jesus is King! He is the One who is worthy of it all!!

Together in the Harvest,

Evelina Smane”

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

I pray this report has blessed you! Evangelist Evelina moved to Tanzania, after graduating from the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp. In fact, she had previously ministered in Tanzania before attending Bootcamp, and we are so excited to see how God continues to use her in this nation! 

Thank you for your prayers and support as we continue in the harvest!

There is still more to come!

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Nothing like this has ever been done before!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Evangelists Jim and Kathy Leamon report from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Crusade in Jangwani, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Evangelist Kathy Leamon preached on the second night of the crusade. She described it as “the blessing and honor of her life.” Here is her report:

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

“Preaching at Operation Decapolis was the blessing and honor of my life! My husband and I ministered in the city of Jangwani along with Evangelist Jacob Ebersole. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached one night at each field during this historic crusade event. Nothing like this has ever been done before!

On the second night, I ministered the Gospel through the story of Zacchaeus and saw thousands come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. I believe this city is going to be changed forever! I know I have been changed and will never be the same for the rest of my life!

After ministering the Gospel, I taught on healing and prayed for the sick. When I prayed for healing, the King of glory, King Jesus, stepped in and began to manifest His glory. A roar rose up among the crowd and people hit the ground manifesting demons. Jesus brought deliverance to people everywhere all over the field!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Suddenly, someone began to walk across the field below the front of the stage carrying his own crutches!! The roar of the crowd grew even louder with awe and wonder. I can still hear that beautiful sound ringing in my ears, the sound of freedom! I have never heard such an amazing sound in my entire life. I will never forget it. The man came on stage and testified what Jesus did. He had a car accident 10 years ago that left him with a spinal cord injury. He couldn’t walk or stand without assistance, and it was difficult for him to walk, even with his crutches. During prayer, he felt the power of God on him and then strength began to pour into his legs. He stood up out of his chair and began to walk without any help and without his crutches! Glory be to God! This was just one of the miracles that happened that night!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Here are a few of the other incredible miracles Jesus did on night two in Jangwani:

  • One man had chest pain for three months and struggled to breath. The power of God fell on him and healed his lungs! Now he can breathe. He stood on stage and demonstrated how deep he could breathe in and out!
  • A precious mama had debilitating pain in her legs and back. She could not stand or bend. The presence of God came, and she felt light in her body. She began jumping and dancing! As she testified, she showed us how she could now bend over. These were all things she could not do before! She also had diabetes, but she believed that was healed too because God touched her in a powerful way.
  • Another man couldn’t hear well in his right ear. His ear popped open, and his hearing returned! I stood behind him without the mic and clapped 3 times in his right ear. He confirmed that he heard three claps! God is a God of miracles! Hallelujah!

On the third night in Jangwani, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached. He prayed for demonic strongholds and influences to be broken. Multitudes were set free from oppression and forever changed! News about the miraculous power of God spread through the district. The crowds grew even larger for the following nights, and so did people’s expectations!

Evangelist Jim Leamon preached on the fourth night and prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was a beautiful evening of transformation. Here is his report:

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

“As we pulled onto the field, I could sense the excitement of the crowd. That night, people had returned knowing they would receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and power from Jesus to walk out their Christian lives. We started with a worship service, and then I preached the Word of God. The message was from Psalm 51, ‘Create in me a clean heart, oh God!’

At the end of the message, thousands responded to the Gospel call of repentance and raised their hands to heaven in complete surrender to God. They received God’s promise of a clean heart, replacing their hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. Everyone was invited to be transformed. I saw young and old, male and female, rich and poor, all transformed by God’s forgiveness by the thousands.

The grounds we chose for the crusade used to be a trash dump for the local people. As we stood on that field that was once a trash heap, joy filled my heart. These beautiful Tanzanian people, whose lives had been full of the world’s trash, were now renewed and made clean in God’s sight, standing on grounds also redeemed in their own neighborhood, all through the ministry of Christ for all Nations. What a moving and prophetic picture!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

After the crowd prayed for salvation, it was time to minister the filling of the Holy Spirit. I shared a short teaching, then the worship team led us into the presence of God. I encouraged the crowd to stay focused on Jesus the Baptizer. A holy quietness fell across this massive crowd of humanity. After a few minutes, thousands of surrendered hands lifted into the air as we prayed in faith to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The scene reminded me of what it must have been like in the book of Acts on the day of Pentecost when the disciples were in the upper room. The Holy Spirit fell all over the field in a powerful way. People were praying aloud in new tongues, with their hands raised towards heaven. Some began to manifest demons and were taken by the ushers to the prayer tents to receive deliverance. Others received miracles of healing before we even prayed for that! These earthen vessels had been cleaned, but now God clothed them with power from on high. After we receive the Holy Spirit, we are never the same again!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Next, I prayed for the sick to be healed in the name of Jesus. I asked people to test their bodies and see if they had been healed. Once again, hands went up across the field. The Father was glorifying the Son and touching His people.

Here are just a few examples of the testimonies we heard:

    • One young woman was a deaf-mute since birth… imagine 24 years of silence! During the worship, she could hear the music. The first sound of her life was praise to our King! During the prayer for the sick, she felt something moving from her ears to her neck. Her friend asked her name, and she was able to reply, “Amy.” She was no longer mute! When she came to testify, she could already hear from her right ear, but her left ear was still deaf. I prayed for God to open the other ear and complete her healing.
    • Another young woman, Lauren, testified that her legs used to go numb. She would feel pain and tingling sensations in her legs and arms. From the first day of the crusade, she was getting progressively better. By night four, she was completely healed and walked across the stage pain free! Praise Jesus!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • One sweet mama came to the third night of the crusade with pain in her right eye. It was so badly swollen and watering that she could not see. During the service, the Lord healed her! She could see again, and her eyes looked completely normal.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • We received a word of knowledge that God wanted to heal someone from a leg injury caused by an automobile accident. The night after we shared that, Martha came forward and testified. She had been in a wreck one month ago and fractured her right leg. Since that time, she experienced frequent swelling in her foot and leg to the point where she couldn’t wear a shoe on that foot. The doctors couldn’t figure out the problem even after testing her at the hospital. She testified that during the prayer she felt a great, burning fire going through her leg. When the fiery sensation stopped, she looked at her leg, and it wasn’t swollen anymore! She could put on her sandals again. She was healed! Jesus is the greatest Physician!”

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Jesus is our Healer, our Savior and our Deliverer! No life is too far for the love of Christ. Even on a former trash dump in Tanzania, the love of God captured hearts and transformed lives! What a great report from Evangelist Jim and Kathy Leamon, a wonderful husband and wife team for the Gospel!

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Christ Jesus- the answer to every need, every question and every situation

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

In the district of Kimara in Dar es Salaam, Evangelist Denis Artyushevskiy preached the Gospel for two of the five evening services as part of the recent Operation Decapolis. Denis is a graduate of the very first CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp, along with Evangelist Evelina Smane who also preached in Kimara. Be sure to read Denis’s report below!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

"On the third night of Operation Decapolis in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in the district of Kimara, thousands of people gathered to hear the Gospel. My cry to God coming into Decapolis as a guest evangelist with CfaN was that His tangible presence would manifest on the crusade ground. It became a cry, like a child in desperate need for his father, that in my own strength, I could do nothing and that my own words meant nothing.

The crowd was getting bigger each night, and the expectation and anticipation were growing with each night. As soon as I took the microphone, I felt a great urgency to stress to the people to stay to the end of the message. I asked them not to leave until then as what I had to share with them would not only affect them in this specific moment, but it would lead them to make a decision that would affect their eternal destination. From that moment forward, there was barely any movement in the crowd as people locked eyes with me - fully engaged as I preached on the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

As I was preaching, there was a great conviction and tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. When the altar call was given, nearly the entire field lifted their hands with the desire to surrender their lives to Jesus. The call was to surrender everything - not just a portion of their lives, nor accepting Jesus as an addition to everything else in their lives but truly allowing Him to become Lord and Master in their hearts.

We celebrated as we lit barrels full of witchcraft, charms, and juju, breaking every demonic curse off of the people's lives and their city. Many people were delivered, and the following day, others brought bags full of witchcraft items that were given to them by the witch doctor, despite being told that the moment they take the charms off or give those charms away, they would die. There was true freedom, true liberation, that took place in the district of Kimara.

After we broke all the curses and strongholds off the land, we began praying for the sick.

  • One lady who had great pain throughout her body for two months went home after the first crusade night where Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached. To her surprise, she woke up with no pain in her body. She remembered us saying on that first night that Jesus would continue healing people as they were walking home or going to sleep, so she began rolling back and forth in her bed looking to see if the pain really went away, and to her surprise, there was no more pain.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • Another mama testified that 7 years ago, she was in a motorcycle accident and was unable to walk without a cane because of it. On the first day of the crusade, she was serving on the field as one of our counselors, so her leg began to hurt even more as she stood more than she would on a normal day. Due to the excruciating pain, she was unable to make it to the crusade on the second day. As she came to the crusade on the third day, she had to be brought on a motorcycle because of the level of pain. After we all prayed together, she ran up the stage to testify that all the pain was completely gone. By faith, she threw her cane on the stage and left without it, knowing Jesus had completely healed her.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • One mama came to testify that after three years of having a tumor in her stomach, the pain started to disappear during the prayer, so she went to place her hand on the tumor but realized it was no longer there. Because of the level of pain and location of the tumor, she was unable to bend up and down. After we prayed, she began to jump, bend and twist on stage as the crowd roared with praise!

As we drove home from the crusade, I cried in awe of the faithfulness of God. Faithful and true.

On the fifth night of Operation Decapolis in Kimara, the crowd tripled from the first night. To my surprise, after asking how many of the people came tonight for the first time, nearly 75% of the crowd lifted their hands. I was in awe of all the Lord was doing in this district as there have never been any crusades, nor did they have a field until CfaN directors turned a trash dump into a leveled field.

I felt a leading from the Holy Spirit to take the platform without an introduction and began by introducing Christ Jesus, the answer to every need, every question, and every situation. The tangible presence of Jesus was moving powerfully throughout the field. Even before preaching, people were on their knees weeping, deliverances were taking place, and healings were breaking out. Truly, it was holy ground.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

After I preached the Gospel message, thousands of people committed their lives to Jesus, many for the first time, and many were healed as well.

The first testimony is one that I will never forget for the rest of my life, and even as I'm writing this, I am in tears. I saw a mother walking with one of the counselors crying and screaming, 'My God, my God.' I asked Brady, the crusade director, to quickly run down and find out what was happening with the boy. As he approached her, the mother was weeping, saying that since he was 5 years old, he was unable to move or walk. As we prayed, the boy began dancing to the sound of the worship music that was taking place. As we went on stage, I asked the boy to try to get out of his wheelchair. The crowd went silent, and you could only hear the noise of the generator and a slight breeze from the wind. The boy started moving back and forth, sliding down to place his feet on the ground. He used his hands to brace himself as he stood up, and the crowd began to roar. His mother moved the wheelchair away, and I asked him to walk towards me. He began taking small steps, without any assistance, from one side of the stage towards me. The band and crowd began worshiping and chanting the name of Jesus as the boy then walked to the other side of the stage and was dancing side to side.

  • A woman traveled all the way from Iringa, Tanzania (where we just concluded a crusade with operation Decapolis last June) in need of a miracle as she was numb from the waist down for many years. She said the numbness left, and she began to feel her legs. She began to move up and down, bend back and forth. She began to jump, run and walk on the stage.
  • Another woman traveled all the way from Dodoma, driving for hours, hearing that there were miracles taking place in Dar es Salaam. Her 15-year-old daughter was unable to go to school because she was unable to leave her bed for the last two years as she had sickle cell. She was completely healed, walked up on stage by herself, and testified in front of thousands that Jesus Christ is the great physician. We prayed for her, her family, and that she would become the best student in her district, despite missing the two years of school.
  • Elizabeth, an older woman, had a disc problem for over 20 years and could not bend for 10 years. Today, she was able to bend independently, touch her toes, and walk normally without any assistance.

These were just a few of the many testimonies as we had to cut them short and move into the prayer of blessings. Together, we prayed for the president and the government of Tanzania for the city's infrastructure, local authorities, education systems, and hospitals. We prayed for the local church and all of the bishops, pastors, evangelists, prophets, and teachers - that the churches would prosper and grow. We prayed for all the people on the field that God would bless them, their families, and their businesses. We celebrated all that the Lord had done and believe that this was the start of revival that would affect generations."

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

We celebrate every soul saved and person healed! Hallelujah! We hope you were blessed as you read this report from Evangelist Denis! Thank you to all who continually pray and support us. We could not do this without you!

There is still more to come!

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Tanzania is being saved!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

"If you or someone you know needs healing in their body, I encourage you to read this report and forward it to them because it is FULL of healing testimonies! Evangelist Daniel Garcia preached in Gongo la Mboto (along with Evangelist Lukas Repert) during Operation Decapolis, and I believe his report below will minister to you!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • A little girl couldn't see and was constantly in pain. Jesus healed her eyes completely, and she was able to see! Her mom was amazed!
  • A little girl who couldn't hear started hearing perfectly!
  • A lady (who was not even at the crusade) was unable to walk. When she heard through the speakers, 'Be healed in the name of Jesus!' She said that something like lightning shocked her spine and body - healing her - and she came running over to the crusade! She couldn't even walk, and now she was running in front of everyone. The crowd was overflowing with praise to Jesus!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

We received testimony after testimony of spines, joints, legs, eyes, and ears being healed! The Healer is the One who gave everything for us: Jesus! We saw a crowd that was hungry to give their lives to this Jesus! How can you not fall in love with Him!? He is full of love, kindness, and compassion. But the best part is that He did everything to save us!

My heart was exploding on the final night of the crusade, as I could see Jesus loving Tanzania beyond our comprehension!

The message tonight was about discovering how wide, long, high, and deep the love of Christ is. We cried out that the heart of God is so big, but he has a special space for every single person at the crusade. The love of Jesus is so special, so kind, so gentle, so passionate, so unquenchable - and it is in its utmost expression when Jesus forgave our sins at the Cross.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

The Holy Spirit fell with fire among the crowd with salvations, signs, wonders, freedom, and blessings – all of which are just expressions of the unquenchable love of God shouting to the people, 'I love you with all my heart, and I will save you, I will heal you, and I will deliver you.'

  • A beautiful baby boy testified that he was blind for 11 years, and in front of everyone, he recovered his sight and chased me all over the stage as the crowd praised Jesus for his healing! His mom was amazed that her little boy would be able to run, see, and live differently for the rest of his life! Jesus is burning with love to heal us! I felt to tell the boy that he was going to be an evangelist who will heal the blind in the name of Jesus, who will preach healing to the sick, and that he will become a man who preaches the Gospel to the nations!
  • During the prayer, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Tell the crowd that there is a person with throat cancer among the crowd and that He is taking cancer away." A lady came to the front to testify that Jesus did heal her completely from throat cancer. She said that she had so many diseases all over her body that she could not name them all. But she felt the power of God falling upon her, and she said that every disease had left her body! She couldn't stop crying as she was praising the Lord for healing her 100%!
  • A woman with diabetes had a swollen, hurt leg and was there at the crusade, believing that she would be healed. She said that the power of God came upon her and she felt completely healed. She went to the doctor to confirm that she was healed, and the doctors said to her that all diabetes was no longer in her body. She came running to the front of the crowd saying, 'I knew that Jesus was going to heal me in this crusade!' Her faith was evident and amazing!
  • A woman who had to use a cane for many years said suddenly something shook her back, and she received strength, and she didn't need her cane anymore.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • The Holy Spirit touched a woman who was not able to move her right arm, and she recovered all mobility.

Oh, Jesus lavished Tanzania with blessings after blessings, and I knew that this was only one location of the six locations that Jesus was touching with all his love. My friend, we are seeing something historic. All over Dar es Salaam, the people were saying that this city was completely being transformed. My friend, we are seeing the power of the multiplication of harvesters, souls, and partners in the ministry! This is only the beginning - an army of evangelists is rising that will shake the nations to its core and will bring Jesus to all those that are dying eternally without Him! This is the time of the Harvest! This is the time for His children to come back to Him! This is a time that the earth will hear a cry in every corner that Jesus saves! Jesus heals! Jesus delivers! Jesus is full of love for Tanzania!! We are seeing a nation fall in love with Jesus! We are witnessing the Savior pouring His love over Tanzania! Tanzania is being saved!

We are doing this together, and we love you in Jesus' name!

Warmest Regards,

Daniel Garcia"

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Hallelujah! Jesus is so good! We pray you are touched, and your faith is strengthened after reading miracle after miracle that took place in Dar es Salaam.

There is still more to come!

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Festival of miracles!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Six crusades in six areas over five days… we are blown away at what God is doing across Tanzania! In this update, Evangelist Lukas Repert reports from Operation Decapolis and the crusade field in Gongo la Mboto, where he and Evangelist Daniel Garcia ministered together. Last Friday night, the crusade became a “festival of miracles”, as Evangelist Lukas states below!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

“Friday was the third night of six simultaneous Gospel Campaigns in Dar es Salaam. As I prepared to preach in Gongo la Mboto, I was filled with anticipation, ready to break the power of the devil and see people set free! This was the night we would invite everyone at the crusade to burn all of their witchcraft collected over many years.

The moment I began to pray and break the curses of the devil, it was as if the field turned into a festival of miracles! As items of witchcraft burned in the fire, demons were cast out by the hundreds! The devil had to flee from so many precious souls. The power of the Holy Spirit manifested in a wonderful way, and the blood of Jesus set people free from years of oppression. Deep, supernatural freedom conquered hearts across the crusade field!

The blood of Jesus also came with the power to heal. When I prayed to break the spirit of infirmity, the crowd erupted in praise. We were all dancing and celebrating the miracles breaking out in every direction. There were so many miracles across the field that nearly every person there saw the power of God firsthand. People rejoiced and shouted with gratitude. No sickness and no devil can stand against the mighty power of Jesus Christ!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

I did not even have a chance to call people forward to testify because they were already running onto the stage, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaiming what Jesus did in their lives! Many, many people were healed from paralysis and other sicknesses that had prevented them from walking properly. These precious ones lifted their crutches in the air and threw them aside! The healing power of Jesus Christ forever changed their lives! One man, who was over 80 years old, danced like a teenager across the stage because he was completely healed from all his diseases!

The most impactful testimony of the night came from a woman who had been deaf in both of her ears for over ten years. She came to the crusade wearing hearing aids, not able to hear at all. Then, when I prayed for deaf ears to be opened, suddenly something happened in her ears! She was able to hear like never before. Jesus did a mighty miracle in her life. She came forward and shared her testimony. Then, I tested her hearing on stage without the hearing aids and rejoiced with her over her complete healing! Praise God for his power and his mercy!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

On Saturday, I preached in Gongo la Mboto again, and we experienced a move of God. As I shared the Gospel, God did what only He can do. While I preached sin and salvation, repentance and freedom, a heart of stone becoming a heart of flesh, the crowd was so convicted by the Holy Spirit that tension filled the air. People were moved and impacted as the Word of God cut through their hearts.

The most holy moment of the night was the call for salvation. I invited each person to receive salvation through Jesus Christ, and people repented of their sins by the thousands! It literally felt as if the whole crowd was standing on a very thin rope, and each person knew there were only two options: either fall in the arms of Jesus or fall back in the hands of Satan. It seemed like nearly everyone there chose Jesus, falling into the arms of their loving Savior. For many, this was the first time they had ever surrendered their lives to Jesus. Former Muslims across the field filled out decision cards to get connected with local churches. It was their day of salvation!

But that’s not all! The most amazing part was still to come. Jesus had prepared the best for last, as He often does. The second half of the night was focused on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I gave a simple introduction to the topic and shared from Luke 11:11-13. Voices rose in worship to the King of kings. Then we prayed together: ‘Father, fill me now,’ inviting in the Holy Spirit. Before that tiny sentence was even complete, the power of the Holy Spirit spread across the field! People began praying in tongues and received all kinds of gifts from the Holy Spirit.

After the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I began to pray for the sick, and mighty signs and wonders occurred. Jesus opened a man’s blind eye! He showed me his medical reports stating his condition, and he was already scheduled for a major surgery on his blind eye. He wouldn’t need surgery anymore because Jesus healed him completely!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

God did many, many miracles before our eyes. Crippled people walked again. Ulcers disappeared; people were healed of all kinds of sicknesses! Praise be to Jesus!”

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Jesus Christ won the victory in Gongo la Mboto! Those who came experienced the mighty power of Jesus to save, deliver and heal. As you read these testimonies, receive them for your own life. The same Jesus who performed those mighty miracles and set people free is working in your life too! God bless you.

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Dreams Fulfilled

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Today I want to share a special report with you. Normally, my executive assistant Robert Enge is busy at crusades with serving, but he is an evangelist, and for the first time, he preached at a Gospel Crusade during Operation Decapolis! Rob was stationed in Mbagala (along with Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola) and below you can read his exciting report!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

"Before arriving in the city of Mbagala, I was receiving updates from our Crusade Director of the many challenges they were facing in the region. NEVER before have the churches been able to host such a gathering due to another dominant religion in the region. Permits were never granted. Access to a meeting location was always denied. As is often the case, our Christ for all Nations (CfaN) and Decapolis Team pressed onward, believing by faith this was Mbagala’s time of destiny. Overcoming each and every obstacle, the favor of the Lord met our team at every turn. Our permits were approved by the local government, and the field where our crusade would take place was released for use. At the field dedication, where the bishops, pastors and local partnering churches gather to pray for the crusade before it commences, a witch came to see what was happening. As the power of God was moving, she fell to her knees. One of the pastors prayed for her and she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior! She immediately turned over all of the witchcraft items that she had brought with her to the field (see photo below). History was being made, even before a word was spoken from the platform.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

On night two of our Gospel Crusade, before I preached the Gospel, I encouraged all of those in attendance to come the following night. Reason being, my co-Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola would be preaching on the blood of Jesus. Additionally, she would be breaking curses over the people and the region. It’s at this time that we collect and burn any witchcraft items in the possession of the new converts. It’s a declaration that Satan is defeated, and his power is broken over their lives. I then shared about what took place at the field dedication and how a witch had recently been born again, turning over her witchcraft items. I then held some up for the crowd to see and I was the first to throw them in the barrel. The crowd erupted with joy! After this miracle, the hearts of the people were so open to receive the Gospel. I shared from the book of Luke and about the story of Zacchaeus. It’s a beautiful story of God’s heart for those who make the wrongs right. After preaching, I called sinners to repentance. Thousands raised their hands after the call for salvation. I then prayed for the sick. As He always does, Jesus demonstrated His power. Here are a few of the amazing testimonies that we received:

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • A woman that had been deaf in her right ear for 2 years testified that during the time of prayer, she heard an explosion of sound.  Afterwards, she said she could now hear out of her right ear. I had her cover the good ear (on her left side), stood farther away from her, and had her repeat the words I was saying. She was able to do so without an issue.
  • A woman shared how one of her legs was shorter than the other. She had a terrible limp when she walked due to this imbalance, and it was difficult to walk. During the time of prayer, she said the shortened limb grew out. She stood on the platform and showed the people how both of her legs were perfectly straight and aligned. She rejoiced as she told us of her miracle by walking and dancing on stage with joy and no pain.
  • A momma came up with her young daughter and shared how she had been deaf in both ears for 10 years. When I asked the daughter what happened during the time of prayer, she could barely utter the words as tears filled her eyes. She was so happy! She said that she felt something going in and out of her ears. Then suddenly, that sensation stopped, and she could hear out of both ears.
  • A woman who had a large tumor on her side testified that during the time of prayer, it miraculously vanished. It had troubled her and caused her much pain for 2 years. She added how the doctors told her that due to the tumor, she couldn’t conceive. I prayed for her and declared that Jesus doesn’t only perform partial miracles, but that in 9 months she’d deliver a healthy baby, in Jesus’ name!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Night four was a night of dreams fulfilled! Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, Reverend Peter Vandenberg and other members of our CfaN and Decapolis team joined Evangelist Roselyne and I in Mbagala, as they had been traveling from another city where an additional crusade was taking place simultaneously. A first to ever happen in the ministry and most likely ever in the history of the world!  Reverend Peter Vandenberg surprised me moments before the start of the crusade, asking me if I would introduce Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. This would be the first time I’d have such an honor. In front of tens of thousands of people, I welcomed and introduced a hero of mine to the platform. It was a moment I will never forget. After Evangelist Kolenda preached a crystal clear Gospel message, resulting in thousands surrendering their lives to Jesus, he asked me to pray for the people to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit. As the Executive Assistant to Evangelist Kolenda for 7 years, I’ve had the opportunity to watch him usher multitudes into the presence of Jesus, witnessing them receive the promise of their Father and now, he was allowing me the privilege. As I witnessed Evangelist Kolenda do so many times, I told the people to fix their eyes on Jesus and open their hearts to receive this free gift. All over the field, thousands began to receive the Holy Spirit and the evidence of new tongues. Even the young people in attendance were being filled with the Holy Spirit (see photo below). This image has seared my heart, and will serve as a constant reminder that there is no junior Holy Spirit. As the power of God was falling across the field our ushers were running, trying to carry so many people who were touched by the Holy Spirit and getting freedom from demonic oppression to a prayer tent. It was overwhelming!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Upon arrival to the field on the final night, we noticed that the crowd size had grown considerably. My heart flooded with joy in knowing that I was going to be able to cast the ‘Gospel Net’ far and wide, one last time to the people of Mbagala. The salvation message I preached on was about spiritual laws, based out of Romans 8, where it talks about the law of sin, the law of death and the law of salvation. I shared how the laws of sin and death will pull you down to the lowest point but Jesus’ heart is so beautiful, He will rescue us from our sinful life. Through the use of illustrations, the people could see that the nail pierced hands of Jesus gives them the power over sin and death. The response to the call of salvation was the best we’d seen yet! Afterwards, I once again prayed for the sick. Incredible miracles took place! We witnessed wheelchairs and crutches being lifted in the air. The crippled were walking. A woman who had been blind in her right eye for 9 months received her sight. When seeing and hearing this, the crowd erupted! It led to a joyous celebration. 

Before we concluded, I prayed for the nation, the President, the local government, the surrounding regions and cities, as well as the local churches and all those in attendance. I then invited all of our CfaN and Decapolis Team members who had labored so hard, some for 3-months, to join us on the platform. I thanked each and every one of them for their labor of love in Mbagala, and that we all shared in the reward that will remain for all of eternity. Finally, my co-Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola felt the Lord gave her a prophetic word for Mbagala. She proclaimed Matthew 5:14 over Mbagala, feeling in her heart that Mbagala is now a city of light, a city where Jesus dwells. She asked the people to turn on the flashlight on their smartphones and turn it up as a prophetic act. Lights lit up everywhere! She then declared that from that day forward, the light of Jesus will shine throughout Mbagala, Temeke and Dar Es Salaam and that the people will themselves carry that light everywhere they go. She released it unto them before our team said farewell (see photo below). It was a bittersweet moment.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Immediately upon conclusion of the final meeting, the bishops and the pastors met us, thanking our CfaN and Decapolis Team for coming to Mbagala. They shared that no ministry has ever come to their region, nor had they ever witnessed such a powerful move of God. They felt a seismic shift take place. Strongholds were broken. Dreams had come true. I could relate- as from the time I was 9 years old growing up in church, I was told that I would be an evangelist and during this week, in Mbagala, Tanzania, that spoken word became a reality. My life will never be the same!  

To Jesus Be the Glory!  

Evangelist Rob Enge (Together with Evg. Roselyne and our entire CfaN/Decapolis Team)"

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Hallelujah! God is faithful to bring the dreams in our hearts, even since childhood, to pass in His perfect timing! Be sure to look out for impactful reports in the coming days!

Thank you for praying for us.

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Jesus is more eager to heal than we are eager to pray

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Right now, I’m in Dubai for the Global Evangelist Alliance, but we are all still amazed at what took place this last week in Tanzania. As you know, we recently concluded SIX simultaneous Gospel Crusades in Dar es Salaam this past Sunday, known as Operation Decapolis – just one of many strategies to win more souls for the Lord in the Decade of Double Harvest!

Mbagala was one of the six sites where a crusade took place. I wanted to share with you the report below from Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola, who preached two nights during the five-day crusade!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

“I am currently at Mbagala, a densely populated district of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, with about 70% Muslims occupying this district. The people have seen the promotion of the Christ for all Nations Gospel Crusade coming to their area. Many Muslims have been invited to come experience faith, love, and miracles. It is with great joy that I bring you glorious news of what Jesus is doing in Mbagala. As Evangelist Rob Enge and I walked into the crusade field for the first time, I knew in my heart that the people of Mbagala would never be the same after this week.

On the first night of the crusade, I had the privilege of preaching the simple gospel, that ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.’ In my message, I told the people why Jesus is the only way to God. As I lifted the name of Jesus, the atmosphere became charged with electricity; the people listened with rapt attention. The moment I gave the call for the people to say yes to Jesus, thousands of hands went up across the field. Thousands of souls were rescued out of hell and planted in God’s Kingdom. Right now, we are seeing the light of Jesus invade Mbagala, and the works of darkness are being destroyed.

That is not all! On my flight from Addis Ababa to Dar es Salaam, I saw a picture of a crutch on the ground. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, and He said that many crutches would be laid to the ground at the crusade in Mbagala. So, it was no surprise that right in the middle of my prayer for those who were sick, sounds of rejoicing erupted from the crowd. They started rejoicing at the sight of the first crutch that went up in the air. I was not done praying when this miracle took place. Jesus could not wait for me to get out of the way. Jesus is more eager to heal than we are eager to pray for people to be healed. Our Jesus is a mighty and loving Savior.

As the people were rejoicing and celebrating, Jesus was still moving. The power of witchcraft was broken as several people across the field started shaking and manifesting devils. They were delivered of every devil and all kinds of witchcraft. This is the Gospel! Many souls at Mbagala were saved, healed, and set free!

The miracles I am about to highlight are only a hint of what Jesus did in Mbagala. The testimonies keep coming in, and it is only the first night of the crusade. There are five more nights to go!

  • A 6-year-old boy named Rakeem could not walk without crutches for 3 months due to pain in his legs. Metal plates caused the pain. Jesus healed this little boy, and all the pain in his legs was gone. Rakeem walked freely without crutches for the first time in 3 months. 

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • An older man came forward who was completely blind for 2 years. He shared that all he could see was darkness for two years. He would always sit at his house and could not go anywhere. Jesus has changed his story! For the first time in two years, he was able to see shapes and follow me around the platform. His eyesight kept getting better and better. 

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • A young woman who had ulcer pain in her stomach for years was healed. All the pain in her stomach was gone, and she was able to bend for the first time in years. 

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • Another young woman who had pain in her back and legs for 6 months was healed. All pain left her body, and she walked and danced freely to the glory of Jesus. 

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

The third night of our great Gospel Crusade in Mbagala was so powerful! I preached on the power in the blood of Jesus. I didn’t just talk about it-we saw the raw power of the blood of Jesus at work. Generational curses were broken, and the devil was spectacularly defeated!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Something shifted in the atmosphere as curses and witchcraft were broken. Miracles began to happen all over the field, and devils were cast out of people. The blood of Jesus is more powerful than any power or principality!

  • There was a mama who was on the field that night named Sarah. Mama Sarah couldn’t walk without a stick for 20 years! But the blood of Jesus healed her, and that night, she walked and danced with her daughter for the first time in 20 years without a stick! Her daughter was in tears as she shared that she came to the crusade on Thursday night and on the crusade field, she saw a vision of her mom walking towards her without the stick. That vision propelled her to buy her mother a bus ticket from another part of the country to attend the crusade in Mbagala on Friday night. She said to her mother, ‘Mama, you must come.’ That is not all; her daughter also received her healing on Friday night. She was suffering from eye problems before, and that night her eyes were healed! Jesus healed and restored joy to this family! Isn’t Jesus wonderful?! 

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • An older man who had pain in his back and legs for over a year was healed. He could not bend for over a year, and tonight Jesus healed him completely. He bent over without pain in his back and legs. 
  • Mariam could not see well for 27 years, and she couldn’t see far. She was tormented for years because every time she bumped into someone, they thought it was intentional, and it made her very sad. She wept as she testified of her healing. Tonight, her eyes were restored, and she could see our cameraman (Dave Smith), who was standing afar off. When I asked her to tell me the color of Dave’s shirt, she shouted ‘Blue!’
  • Another young lady came up who previously had numbness in her legs. She couldn’t feel anything in her legs for almost a month. Tonight, she regained feeling in her legs, and she jumped to the glory of God! 

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • Emmanuel could not read from far or near for 4 years. He especially could not read words printed in small fonts. Tonight, Jesus healed him, and he read a sentence out of our follow-up booklet called, ‘Now That You Are Saved.’ 

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Time and words will fail me to share every single testimony we are receiving. Dar Es Salaam will never be the same after this week. In all districts of this highly populated city, Jesus is moving mightily, and many lives have been transformed already!

To all our mission partners around the world, the glorious Harvest we are seeing in Dar Es Salaam is because of your beautiful ‘yes’ to Jesus. Thank you so much for standing with us to populate Heaven and empty hell. You are a part of the glorious Harvest we are seeing in Dar Es Salaam.”

We hope you enjoyed reading this powerful recap from Evangelist Roselyne! In the days to come, be sure to see all the exciting updates from the guest evangelists who ministered during Operation Decapolis!

Thank you for praying for us.

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

High Water! - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Final Day

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Once again, a new high-water mark has been made! Tonight, we concluded the fifth night of Operation Decapolis - six crusades in six areas lasting five nights each (thirty nights of crusades) - all in one week! In addition, we conducted two weeks of "Gospel Invasion" leading up to the crusades, where Bootcamp graduates conducted hundreds of outreaches in the area. In all, we documented 210,553 decisions for Christ here in Dar es Salaam! Hallelujah!!

The word "Decapolis" means "ten cities" in Greek ("deka" = ten, "poleis" = cities). In the time of Christ, "Decapolis" was a specific (mostly gentile) region in which Jesus performed some of his great miracles. We have appropriated this word because it perfectly describes a vision the Lord has given us of exponential increase (from one crusade per week to TEN)!

Last year we made our first attempt at this multi-crusade strategy. In the middle of our preparations, the COVID pandemic brought the world to a standstill. We intended to start with ten crusades right away, but because of the huge difficulties in the world at the time, at the last minute, we had to quickly shift feet to a completely different country, recruit and train a completely new team and reduce the number of crusades from ten to five (three crusades in week one, two crusades in week two). Then, in June of this year, we had our second attempt, where we successfully conducted five crusades in five cities in one week. This time, as already mentioned, we've scaled up to six crusades in one week. Next time we will conduct ten crusades in ten cities over two weeks (five in week one and five in week two). The next step will be conducting all ten in one week. Then we will scale up as much as possible, conducting multiple Decapolis Campaigns per year!

Soon we will be conducting 20, 30, and 40 crusades (and more) per year! It is a process, but with each attempt, we are making huge leaps forward - even in the midst of great turmoil in the world. Not only so, but the growth is also solid. It's not just quantity - it's quality. Converts are being ushered into local churches, believers are being trained in evangelism, and unparalleled unity between the churches is being forged. I am so proud of this team and so thankful for their enthusiasm, faithfulness, and commitment to the vision!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Last night I preached in the area of Dar es Salaam known as Kawe. The crowd was boiling over with enthusiasm. The two evangelists stationed here are two of the finest. Evangelist Levi Lutz (the Director of the CfaN Bootcamp) and Evangelist Macoby Donaldson (the Director of the CfaN Evangelism Alliance) are working in tandem here. They have seen so many amazing miracles, and the Holy Spirit has been poured out here night after night. I felt that my contribution was quite small, but there is no question that Jesus has shaken this region.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

I also had the privilege of live streaming to our local congregation in Orlando (Nations Church) from the platform here in Kawe. A large percentage of the team members here on the ground in Dar es Salaam are actually members of Nations Church (including Evangelists Lutz and Donaldson). The families of these team members were obviously in the service this morning (as mine was) and got to see what their loved ones are busy with on the other side of the world. How wonderful! This is a dream come true.

After I preached the Gospel, Evangelist Donaldson prayed for the sick, and many amazing miracles happened. Several cripples were healed. A man, deaf for fifteen years, was healed. Paralytics were healed, and many others!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

I am now preparing to travel to Dubai, where I will be meeting with Evangelists and other leaders from around the world for the next few days. I co-chair an alliance (that we founded) under the banner of Empower21, called The Global Evangelism Alliance. We are bringing ministries together for world evangelism. It's all about Jesus and all for souls. Please continue to pray for us. We are on the front lines. We are pressing forward, and the Devil is not happy about it.

Thank you for praying for us.

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

The Same Jesus - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Day 4

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


I've just returned from preaching not one but two crusades tonight, in two different parts of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The first was in an area known as Kigamboni, where Evangelists Randy Roberts and Joe Turnbull are stationed. The second was in a place called Mbagala, where Evangelists Robert Enge and Dr. Roselyne Ayeola are stationed. These are two of six CfaN crusades ongoing this week in Dar es Salaam SIMULTANEOUSLY! In each Crusade, the Gospel is being preached. In each Crusade, multitudes are being saved. In each Crusade, tonight, the Holy Spirit fell as each evangelist prayed for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

And in each Crusade, miracles and healings took place. Here are a few from Kigamboni and Mbagala:

  • Christina could not hear in her right ear for 5 years. She said she felt like an insect was running around in her head. During prayer, she felt something crawling out of her ear, and then she could hear perfectly!
  • Ruth had severe liver problems since she was 14. Often, she could not move her body without terrible pain. Tonight, during prayer for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, she fell to the ground and began speaking in tongues for the first time. She felt a heavy darkness leave her, and she felt no more pain at all when she got up.
  • Walter has been walking with crutches for three months after an accident. Tonight, he was healed! He threw his crutches and was able to walk without them.
  • Midizimi had been completely deaf for the last 6 years. Tonight, Jesus opened her ears!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

It is amazing to think that in each Crusade, no matter who was preaching and no matter who was praying, Jesus is the same! These are not our accomplishments, and we cannot take any credit. All of the glory belongs to the one who said, "without Me, you can do nothing."

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Tomorrow is the last night of this Operation Decapolis Campaign for all six crusades. Please continue to pray for us.

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

The Day of Power! Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Day 3

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


I wish that you could see with your own eyes what is happening here in Dar es Salaam. It is absolutely astonishing and supernatural. I honestly do not have the words to adequately describe it. There is truly a MOVEMENT of evangelism and harvest taking place. Of course, there are thousands of volunteers and nearly 2,200 churches participating (that is normal). But what is astounding is that just within our CfaN team, more than 120 people (most of them Bootcamp graduates and nearly all of them volunteers) are working with a zeal that I’ve never seen anywhere. It can only be something the Holy Spirit is doing.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Many of them have been here, in Tanzania, for several months. They work from dawn until dusk, often 12-hour days! They are not being paid, and they are not being forced. They all want to be here. They are working because they love Jesus, and they want to see the Gospel change lives. Together they have worked for this Decapolis Campaign for almost 40,000 hours! To put that in perspective, if those were normal full-time work hours (40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year), it’s more than 19 YEARS of work!!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Tonight we met with the whole team for dinner. It was like a big family reunion. Imagine the scene: men and women from every continent on earth - a team that is more tight-knit than most families, all celebrating together, loving one another, and rejoicing together in pure, unadulterated harvest joy! I’ve never seen anything like this. And it’s just the beginning. Our next class of Bootcamp students leaves Orlando in two weeks and will go to Nigeria for their initiation trip (where many of the graduates here in Tanzania will be serving as coaches and team leaders).

The verse ringing in my heart is from Psalm 110:3 “Your people will volunteer freely on the day of Your power...” I can’t help but wonder if God is not accelerating the harvest for a strategic reason. Could it be that the time is shorter than we can imagine? What if we are in a closing window of opportunity? Much of what we are seeing is the fulfillment of a dream I have carried in my heart. But I can not take credit for it. I cannot account for it. I don’t even understand how it is possible. This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Tonight I preached in the 3rd of 6 crusades ongoing simultaneously here in Dar es Salaam. In this area of the city called Jangwani, Evangelists Jim and Kathy Leamon and Evangelist Jacob Ebersole (all Bootcamp graduates) are stationed. All three of them were top organizers in previous Decapolis Campaigns. Now they are the evangelists! I preached on the blood of Jesus, broke curses, and burned occult paraphernalia. Jim prayed for the sick, and wonderful miracles happened.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

  • A Muslim woman was unable to walk for five years, but as Jim prayed tonight, her leg started shaking, and the pain left. Now she can walk without pain.
  • A young lady was suffering from serious pain in her waist for almost five years. But after prayers, the pain vanished. She could even bend like she had not been able to do before.
  • Another woman was not able to see for three years but now can see even things that are at a long distance.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

A woman also testified that I prayed for her at our crusade in this city back in 2013. At that time, she was unable to have children. But God healed her in that crusade, and tonight she gave this testimony with her miracle child standing beside her!

Tomorrow night I will preach in two crusades back to back (the first time I’ve ever done this in Africa). It will be a very intense day. Please pray for me and the whole team here as we press on toward the finish line.

Thank you for praying for us.

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Walking, Leaping and Praising God! - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Night 2

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


Tonight I preached in the second of six cities where CfaN crusades are ongoing simultaneously this week. The area, known as Gongo La Mboto, is where Evangelists Daniel Garcia and Lukas Repert are stationed (both graduates of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp). After I preached the Gospel, they ministered to the sick. Many amazing miracles happened, but especially many cripples were healed.

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

One lady couldn’t walk for six years. She came on stage partially healed. Daniel Garcia prayed for her, and she received her full healing right there on the platform in front of everyone’s eyes! She danced and began to praise Jesus!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


Likewise, another crippled lady walked on stage with her crutch high in the air and began to dance with it!

A man testified that he could not walk for two years. He wasn’t actually able to even bend his legs. But tonight, Jesus healed him!! He danced and bent his legs on stage.


Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


In each of the six crusades ongoing tonight, amazing things have happened: blind eyes and deaf ears opened, people rose off stretchers in front of the huge crowds, cripples threw their crutches away, and most importantly, we counted thousands upon thousands of documented decisions for Christ! 

It’s harvest time here in Dar es Salaam. Thank you for continuing to pray for us. Three more days to go!

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Jesus Making History! - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Night 1

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Our third "Operation Decapolis" Campaign began here in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, tonight. Over the next 5 nights, we will be conducting 6 simultaneous crusades in 6 different areas of the city. Dar es Salaam is the largest city in Tanzania, very densely populated and very spread out. Traveling from one side of the city to the other can take many hours. This means that a crusade in one part of the city would be unreachable for the rest of the population living in other areas. The solution the Lord has given us to this (and many other problems) is to hold these multiple simultaneous crusades, which together will allow us to reach almost the entire population!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


In each area, there are two CfaN evangelists stationed (most graduates of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp). They will minister two nights each, and I will arrive on one of the nights to preach as well (five nights in each crusade). Each night I travel to a different crusade to give a boost to the team stationed there. On Saturday, I will actually preach in two different crusades the same night - something I've never done in a CfaN crusade before. This is an amazing season of growth, fresh vision, and supernatural increase!

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


Tonight I started out preaching in the area of Kimara, where Evangelists Evelina Smane and Denis Artyushevskiy are stationed. After preaching the Gospel, they ministered to the sick, and amazing miracles happened:


  • A Muslim lady was in an accident a year ago and could not walk without pain. Tonight she gave her life to Jesus and was healed. All the pain left her body, and she could walk!
  • Another woman was having problems with bone marrow in her legs and could not walk without a cane for many years. Tonight Jesus healed her, and she was able to walk without her cane.
  • A man who was deaf in his ear for 16 years was healed tonight.
  • A woman who was deaf in both ears for three years was healed tonight.
  • A woman who was blind since she was a child was also healed!


Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021

Operation Decapolis Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2021


These are just a sampling of what Jesus did here tonight in the Kimara area of Tanzania. And remember, this is just one of SIX crusades that took place in this city tonight! The testimonies are flooding in from all sides. There's far too much to tell in one report, but suffice it to say that Jesus is making history here!


Thank you for praying for us.

This is all possible because of you! Thank you!

Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the entire CfaN family)

Countdown to Decapolis

Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania // 6 – 10 October 2021

It feels like we’ve only just shaken the dust from our shoes from the last Operation Decapolis in June, and already we’re just days away from the next one. This time, we will be holding six campaigns simultaneously, another level up for our teams. Our previous record was in June, when we held five campaigns at the same time in five different cities in Tanzania.

But the number of campaigns is not the only thing that is different about this Decapolis. This time, all six campaigns will be held in one city, and there are very good reasons for this. In the Decade of Double Harvest, a major part of our strategy is flexibility. We have to look at the circumstances of each region or city individually and use the tools at our disposal to reach as many people as possible. So, why this particular strategy for the port city of Dar-es-Salaam?

Second-fastest-growing city in the world

The last time CfaN was in Dar-es-Salaam, in 2013, the population was just over 4 million. Now it’s nearly 7 million, and experts predict it will hit 13 million by 2035. Of course, that pace of growth comes with huge challenges, especially as more than three quarters of the city’s population lives in informal settlements.

With the city infrastructure stretched to the limit, it can easily take over two hours to drive just ten kilometers. That’s a massive obstacle to a non-believer thinking of coming to the campaign. If we were to host one mass event as we have done in the past, only those who live in the vicinity would be able to come. As we studied the problem, we felt the Holy Spirit telling us to instead hold multiple campaigns in different areas of the city, so that hearing the Gospel is within reach of everyone. No matter where in the city someone lives, they’ll be within half an hour from a campaign.

Over 2,000 churches involved

There’s no way we could possibly accomplish this without the active involvement of the local churches. Our campaign directors have been preparing the ground for months, meeting with pastors, bishops and church leaders. We’ve been training counselors and ushers, setting up the follow-up systems, ready to immediately guide new believers into churches close to where they live.

We’ve also trained over 1,000 local evangelists from all denominational backgrounds, and they will be putting that into practice in the two weeks leading up to the main events. Along with about 20 CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp graduates, they’ll be involved in a “Gospel Invasion”, where we do multiple mini-campaigns all over the city on the streets, in marketplaces, kids’ outreaches – anywhere and everywhere! The tide of salvations begins here, before the first meeting of the main events.

Dar-es-Salaam is a key African city

Not only is it growing incredibly quickly, it’s also the most important port for trade for the landlocked countries around it like Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It’s the largest city in Tanzania, and the business capital of the country. That means there’s a constant flow of people, and Dar-es-Salaam has great influence in the region. Add to that its prominence in the arts, media and television, and we have a special opportunity to spread the Gospel far and wide in East and Central Africa

Speaking to the youth

Like all African countries, Tanzania has a very young population, with an average age of only 18. It’s crucial for us to speak to this generation effectively, so we are going far beyond the newspaper ads, posters, television and radio adverts of the past, though those are all still happening. To get the word out, we’re utilizing every social media platform. We have recruited young Christian influencers like local soccer stars and YouTube personalities, speaking on their shows to encourage young people to attend. If there’s a way to communicate, our teams are using it!

Always a step of faith…

Every single time we commit to Gospel campaigns in Africa, we’re taking a step of faith. We’re trusting that the Lord will provide in every way – finances, personnel, permits, equipment, local churches and everything else that is needed. We’re believing that the Holy Spirit will speak to others just as He has to us and bring it all together for His glory.

…and always in partnership

We are not doing this alone. It’s only possible because of partners like you, who take that step of faith with us. So, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing with us. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for supporting this ministry financially. The seed you are sowing is bearing an almost unimaginable harvest, and you share in that reward with us before the throne of God.

Look out for all the latest news from Operation Decapolis next month. Connect with us on our website, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube – and witness for yourself what God is doing. We know it will be glorious!

Together with you in the harvest,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

and the whole CfaN team.


Event Dates: October 6th - October 10th, 2021 

Coordinates: 6.3690° S, 34.8888° E 

Population: 59,734,218 inhabitants (2020)