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Holy Spirit: Revelation and Revolution

He is real. He is powerful. He is the secret dynamic of a vibrant faith. He is the Holy Spirit, the agent of divine action on earth--and God's gift to you.

$ 20.00
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He is real. He is powerful. He is the secret dynamic of a vibrant faith.

He is the Holy Spirit, the agent of divine action on earth and God's gift to you.

For centuries, believers have misunderstood this neglected member of the Trinity. Yet in the past one hundred years, a Holy Spirit movement has gained momentum, transforming millions of lives around the globe. Today, chains everywhere are breaking - people are freeing themselves to experience an amazing, Spirit-led phenomenon.

In Holy Spirit Revelation and Revolution, renowned International Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke invites you to break your bonds and encounter the meaning and miracles of the Spirit.

Don't wait — it will change your life and inspire your faith. More important, it will free the Spirit, through you, to take the message of God's incredible glory and everlasting love to the world.

Live Before You Die (Book)

The eternal, omnipotent, all-wise God made you with His own hands. Before you were even born He had a dream for your life!

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Life is Short: Leave a Legacy!

“THAT’S AN AMAZING STORY, MAN!” Evangelist Todd White hears those words often. But the truth is that what Todd shares is not just a story— it’s a testimony. It is evidence not only of what God has done but of what He wants to do again. It is evidence of what God can and will do for you, of what God wants to do for you.

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God's Promises for Healing and Hope (Book)

We live in a world that is in more need of hope and healing than ever before. And the only true and lasting source of hope and healing is the one true God, whose Word is full of promises—promises about His faithfulness, His mercy, His grace, His love, and so many other things.

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Remembering Reinhard Bonnke Memorial Service DVD

In this Memorial Service, we celebrate the life, ministry, and incredible legacy of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. Memorial DVD set includes vision statement by Daniel Kolenda.

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The Simplicity of Sharing the Gospel

According to a study by Barna Group, although 73% of born again Christians in the U.S. believe they have a personal responsibility to share their faith, only half (52%) actually did in the past year.

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Live Before You Die - The Experience Pack (6 DVDs + USB + Book)

Live Before You Die is a 2-Part video series that includes twenty-three 30 minute episodes and weekly and daily study guides for group or personal use plus a new Interactive Live Before You Die Book. This set has all media on DVDs, a USB drive, and a key to downloadable/streamable digital files for your convenience.

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