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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Our second School of Evangelism concluded recently in Cape Town, South Africa!
Join our Facebook group, CfaN School of Evangelism - South Africa, to stay up to date on what our current and past students are experiencing.


Recap 1


Our second CfaN School of Evangelism in Cape Town is already in full swing! The new intake of budding evangelists come from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, Botswana and Namibia.
In just 3 weeks, the students have already conducted 6 outreaches and seen 161 documented decisions for Jesus Christ! They preached the Gospel in some dangerous areas, known for high levels of prostitution, drugs and gang activity. And they were also in some of Cape Town’s biggest malls and on the streets of Stellenbosch, sharing the Good News of Jesus! If your heart burns to see people come to Jesus, then follow the call and COME!

Recap 2


Our second group of students have completed the 6-week classroom training portion of the CfaN School of Evangelism, Cape Town, South Africa; and are currently in the last stretch of the 2-week Initiation Trip. See the highlights video where the students gave it their all as they were put to the test with on-stage exhibitions of their voice projection skills, as well as their Gospel story preaching. What makes this school so unique, is that our students are critiqued on these skills, and get feedback from seasoned evangelists from all over the world (in this case, Jako Hugo, Karin Hugo and Jared Horton).
To date, they have conducted nine practical outreaches, and altogether have seen 253 documented decisions for Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Recap 3


The second CfaN School of Evangelism in South Africa has come to an end! This past Saturday all sixteen of our students graduated.

Watch this recap video of the two-week initiation trip, in which the students put into practice what they were taught in the classroom by preaching the Gospel relentlessly out in the streets and communities, in the trains, in taxi ranks, in malls, and amongst youth groups. The blind received sight while students prayed over them, a Muslim woman gave her life to Jesus during an outreach, and countless people were baptised in the power of the Holy Spirit and began praying in tongues at the crusade!

During initiation, 72 outreaches and 15 youth campaigns were conducted. All in all, over the 8 weeks of school we saw a grand total of 5004 documented decisions for Jesus!



Don’t you just love reading the Book of Acts? It’s gripping and exciting, every page dripping with the power of God in action. Here’s the thing… in a way, the Book of Acts is not finished yet! It’s continually being written, because the Spirit of God is still in action, doing exactly the same wondrous things as He did way back then. We’ve been witnesses of that once again over the past weeks of the School of Evangelism, and I wish I could share ALL the beautiful testimonies with you!

Here is just a small taste of stories the students shared with us – and we give God all the glory for every person saved, every life changed, every broken body healed. As you read these, I pray that your own faith will be super-charged. And if you long to be used by the Lord like this, come to the Johannesburg School of Evangelism in September 2023! You, too, can be His hands and feet and reach this dying world for Jesus.

I was taking pictures of the students and had seen Gift lead a 70-year-old man to the Lord who was weeping and filled with absolute joy. It really touched my heart and I felt drawn to him as he was standing to one side alone weeping with tears of joy. He was so happy to share his newfound faith in Jesus but told me he couldn’t see well and didn’t know how he was going to read a Bible. I asked if I could pray for him, and he happily agreed. The Lord healed his eyes and once again he was weeping for joy and grabbed his “Now that you are saved” book and immediately started reading.
– Jacqueline

At our last crusade in Steenberg a young Muslim man came forward. His parents were both Muslim and had gotten divorced. He gave his life to Jesus and was extremely overwhelmed.
– Mari

A lady who had a broken finger came forward for healing. As I was praying for her, she started repenting and rededicated her life to Jesus. As the Holy Spirit came upon her, demons started manifesting and it was so severe that the demons started to choke her. She had unforgiveness in her heart and we ministered to her. She decided to forgive the person who hurt her, and the demons left her, and she was baptized in the Holy Spirit and filled with joy.
– Bernard

We prayed for a man who was born blind in his right eye. We prayed for him, and Jesus healed him. We closed his left eye completely and he could tell us exactly how many fingers we were holding up with his previously-blind right eye.
– Janco, Eduard and Bernardo

In Lavendar Hills a man came running to us asking us for prayer. We didn’t even approach him. He started repenting and said he was so tired of his life and that he didn’t want to live it any longer, he wanted a clean life and to receive Jesus. He was making all these requests and couldn’t stop crying as we lead him to the Lord. He had arms that were deformed and crooked from birth, so we also prayed for healing and the Lord straightened his arms and did a creative miracle. His friends were all shocked because they knew he was like that from birth. The man was filled with joy and could not stop crying.
– Neo

I preached to a Muslim woman who was not ready to give her heart to Jesus. Her daughter who was with her could not speak English and her eyes lit up. She wanted to know what I was saying to her mother. Her mother became the interpreter as I preached the Gospel to the daughter. The daughter decided to give her heart to Jesus. This was such a surprise to me! I realized that God could use anyone to preach His word for salvation, even an unsaved Muslim mother to her daughter.
– Virginiah

We were walking down Long Street and looked just like everyone else in casual attire. A man named Joseph ran up to us and asked us to pray for him. He said that his heart was broken because his mom died two months ago. He was on drugs to numb the pain but just couldn’t keep living like this. We prayed for him, and the power of God hit him. He was in a trance for a few minutes as he fell to the ground. We led him to Christ. He then showed us how his arm was crippled and deformed since birth. I prayed for him, and his arm shot out straight and God healed him! His friend saw this and knew about his friend’s arm and received Jesus after that.
– David.

We went to a soup kitchen to preach the Gospel. A young child Jeremiah and his friend ran to us and told us that Jesus healed his ankle that was cracked from an injury whilst Kiara preached about healing. His friend confirmed that he couldn’t even play with them. He ran up and down to show us that his ankle was healed.
– Marco

You see? When we preach the simple Gospel, Jesus does the rest!


Our very first School of Evangelism was launched on August 29th in Cape Town, South Africa!
Join our Facebook group, CfaN School of Evangelism - South Africa, to stay up to date on what our students are experiencing each week, in class and on outreaches, AND hear directly from our students about what God is doing.

Sunday 28 August

Setting up and getting ready


It took a lot of work to get everything ready for our School of Evangelism students!

Monday 29th August

Impartation – time to GO!


Monday was Day One for the SOE students. Getting to meet each other, learning what’s coming up in the next few weeks – and then a special time of worship and impartation as they embark on this life-changing journey.

What a moment!! CFAN School of Evangelism launch in Cape Town!! A decade of double harvest is here!! It’s time for COLLABORATION and MULTIPLICATION!! Lord, let your Glory fall, let revival flow like a river, let our nation see Jesus!!
Praying for every student!! May this be a time of impartation, equipping and catching Fire!! Supporting, interceding and cheering for you all the way!!
#cfan #evangelism #kingdomwork #gospel #Jesus #goodnews
Christ for all Nations South Africa Die Bron Tiaan & Talita du Plessis

Tuesday 6 September

Studying with diligence


The CfaN School of Evangelism is INTENSE! From Monday to Friday, students are in teaching sessions that cover both the spiritual and practical sides of being a Spirit-filled evangelist. It requires focus, concentration and an open heart to hear what the Lord is saying.

Friday 9 September

How can anyone preach unless they are sent?


The CfaN School of Evangelism in Cape Town, South Africa, launched on 29 August – and within the very first week, over 100 people gave their lives to Jesus! Fired up and motivated by the daily teaching sessions, the students have been out on the streets, in nightclubs, in shopping malls, sharing Jesus everywhere they go.

Watch this brief video of some of the highlights of the first days of the School of Evangelism – and rejoice with us, because evangelists are being raised up in Africa right now!

For more updates visit our Facebook group.

Come to Fire Nights if you're in Cape Town!


It's GOOD to spend time together in the Lord's presence! During the CfaN School of Evangelism, we are having several "Fire Nights" at Die Bron Kerk in Tyger Valley. This Wednesday was the first one - Rev. Peter Vandenberg introduced guest speaker Evangelist Randy Roberts, who brought a message that will stay in our hearts! Join us on the 21st for a special evening of Holy Spirit fire and fellowship with the School of Evangelism students and CfaN team.

Venue: Die Bron Kerk
Willowbridge Shopping Centre
39 Carl Cronje Drive
Tyger Valley, Cape Town

Monday 12 September

Anointed teaching in Week Two


Wow, what an impact the daily teaching sessions are having on the School of Evangelism students! This past week was action-packed, with vibrant messages from Peter Vandenberg and Evangelist Randy Roberts, who are now on their way to Beira, Mozambique this week for a partnership campaign. The students are learning from men and women of God who are GOING and DOING the work of the harvest!

Monday 19 September

Highlights from Week Two


For more updates visit our Facebook group.

It was an action-packed second week at the CfaN School of Evangelism in Cape Town. So far, over 230 people have made the decision to follow Jesus, directly through the students' outreaches in malls, in nightclubs and on the streets. The time to act is NOW!

Tuesday 20 September


Teaching, preaching and worship


Every day starts with devotions – a message, often from a guest speaker from a local church. And then we spend time with Jesus. This is one of the most valued times of every day, as everything is built on a foundation of deep and intimate time in the presence of God.

Wednesday 21 September

Highlights from Week Three


For more updates visit our Facebook group.

Thank you, Jesus! CfaN School of Evangelism Week Three

We're halfway through the CfaN School of Evangelism in Cape Town - and God is moving! Here are some highlights from week three.

Find out more about the CfaN School of Evangelism at

Wednesday 28 September


Highlights from Week Four


For more updates visit our Facebook group.

Rise up, evangelists! CfaN School of Evangelism Week 4

It was a powerful and life-changing week under the teaching of Evangelist Levi Lutz from CfaN. Watch this highlights video - and catch the vision for an army of evangelists, from Cape to Cairo!

Week 4 - Evangelist Levi Lutz (CfaN Bootcamp and SOE Director)


Last week was packed with teaching and ministry from one of CfaN's generals - Evangelist Levi Lutz. Levi's passion for the Gospel and love for the lost made these sessions exciting, moving and challenging. At this point in the course, there is some very deep Holy Spirit work happening in the students' hearts. There's revival blazing up here in Cape Town!

Evangelist Eliot Morgan joined Levi Lutz and the SOE students during week 4.


Thursday 6 October


Highlights from Week Five


For more updates visit our Facebook group.

Jesus said GO! - CfaN School of Evangelism Week 5

Intense teaching, deep Holy Spirit ministry and precious fellowship - Evangelist Daniel Kolenda went straight to South Africa after Operation Decapolis in Zambia to spend time with the students at the first 8-week CfaN School of Evangelism in Cape Town, South Africa. Next week, these evangelists (from several African countries) will be in action all over Cape Town, bringing the lost to Jesus.

Jesus said GO! - CfaN School of Evangelism Week 5


Thursday 13 October


Macoby Donaldson (CfaN Decade of Double Harvest Director) came to teach the SOE students the nuts and bolts of preaching. But he also blessed us greatly with his message during Fire Night at Die Bron.


Friday 14 October


Highlights from week six


For more updates visit our Facebook group.

The final classroom training week was packed with action, as the students honed their preaching skills and learnt the nuts and bolts of reaching children with the Gospel. Ready for two weeks of outreaches!

Friday 28 October


35 School of Evangelism Graduates


35 students completed the course, proving themselves to be dedicated, Spirit-filled evangelists. Evangelist Levi Lutz joined CfaN SA Director Jacques Mau to celebrate and release the evangelists into ministry.

Initiation - Two weeks of back-to-back outreaches


For the final two weeks of their training, the students were put through their paces with a physically grueling program of constant outreaches. They were out every day from early to late, preaching the Gospel.


Gospel Campaigns in Capricorn and Ocean View


The outreach phase included 4 nights of campaign meetings in Capricorn and Ocean View, communities with many challenges and a great need.


Reaching South Africa's youth


We saw thousands of young people giving their lives to Jesus!


Monday 7 November




The last two weeks of the CfaN School of Evangelism in Cape Town was the students' "Initiation" - putting everything they'd learnt into practice during a fortnight of back-to-back outreaches, and two mini-campaigns in Capricorn and Ocean View. Thousands met Jesus. Check out this this exciting video of INITIATION highlights!

For more updates visit our Facebook group.

Applications for the next School of Evangelism are open: